EASTLAKE CITY COUNCIL


AUGUST 11, 2015


The Regular Meeting of the Eastlake City Council was held at Eastlake City Hall, 35150 Lakeshore Boulevard. The Meeting was called to order by Council President

Mr. D’Ambrosio at approximately 6:00 p.m.  


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Evers, Mr. Licht, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Hoefle, Ms. Vaughn and Council President Mr. D’Ambrosio. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins was absent and excused. Also in attendance was Council Clerk Mrs. Cendroski.


Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Law Director Klammer, Finance Director Slocum and Fire Chief Whittington.



                              Council President D’Ambrosio had no report.


                              RECOGNITION OF THE PUBLIC

                              Mr. D’Ambrosio recognized the public input at this time; he reminded the speakers that there is a 3-minute limit for their comments; all comments are to be directed to the Chair and not include any personalities or individuals.


                              There was no one who wished to speak.


                              Additional Comments

                              Mayor Morley: I would like to request a meeting next week on Tuesday or Wednesday with the library – preferably Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.? We are working on the lease and hope to have it this week.


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: Chief Whittington, didn’t you want to have a Safety Committee meeting on the 18th?


                              Chief Whittington: Yes, in regards to the plan we are reviewing now on the hazard mitigation plan. I have a couple of ideas and there will be legislation that is needed. I need your ideas.


                              Mayor Morley: I am asking tentatively. Mr. Klammer has reviewed the lease and we are sending it back and I hope to have something by Friday.


                              Mrs. Cendroski: We can schedule a Safety Committee meeting and discuss the library agreement under miscellaneous. Chief, what is the name of the plan?


                              Chief Whittington: We are updating the hazardous mitigation plan – it is done every five years and every community that accepts it has to have legislation. I do not need the legislation for that evening.


                              Ms. Vaughn: Chief, how much do you anticipate that this will cost us?


                              Chief Whittington: The last time there were the generators for City Hall and the Police Department and the Police Department is done. I still think our marinas, lakeshore and shoreline are pretty vulnerable so I am always seeking out grant monies for boats and something along those lines. I would not put anything in there that would have a cost to it. They do not hold us to this. The plan allows us to apply for a grant and use the plan as an attachment that as a community and county this is part of the plan. It does not hold any obligation for any finances. It is a paper that can be used as a tool. I hope you think I understand that I would not commit us to anything.


                              Ms. Vaughn: You would not ask for anything – yes, I understand.


                              LEGISLATION PROPOSED – First number will be 2015-061

08-11-(01)                                                       ORDINANCE NO: ___________

Requested by: Planning Commission            An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of Sponsored by: Council                           a Conditional Use Permit to Don Tequila                                                                               Eastlake, LLC, 35757 Lakeshore Blvd.,                                                                                    Eastlake, Ohio, 44095, and declaring an                                                                             emergency.

MOTION: Ms. DePledge moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Hoefle seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Ms. DePledge moved to adopt. Mr. Hoefle seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-061.

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08-11-(02)                                                       ORDINANCE NO.: ___________

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending City of Eastlake

Sponsored by: Council                                   Ordinance Section 1387.06 “Refuse, Rubbish

and Garbage Disposal”, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-062.

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08-11-(03)                                                      ORDINANCE NO.: ___________

Requested by: Council Clerk                         An Ordinance Amending Codified Ordinance Sponsored by: Council                                                                        Section 125.06 “Copies of Public Records;                Fees”, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Licht seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to adopt. Mr. Licht seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-063.

_     _     _       _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _


08-11-(04)                                                       ORDINANCE NO.: ___________

     Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Sponsored by: Council                                    Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into an                                                                     Agreement with the Village of Timberlake for                                                                       the City of Eastlake to provide Fire Protection                                                                and Emergency Medical Service for said Village                                                                         commencing January 1, 2016, and declaring an                                                                     emergency.

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-064.

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08-11-(05)                                                       ORDINANCE NO.: ___________

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance authorizing and directing the

Sponsored by: Council                                   Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into an                                                                 Agreement with the Village of Lakeline for the                                                                     City of Eastlake to provide Fire Protection and                                                                        Emergency Medical Service for said Village                                                                  commencing January 1, 2016, and declaring an                                                                     emergency.

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-065.

_     _     _       _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _


08-11-(06)                                                       ORDINANCE NO.: ___________

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance authorizing and directing the

Sponsored by: Council                                   Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into an                                                                 Agreement with the Village of Lakeline for the                                                                     City of Eastlake to provide Police Services for                                                                        said Village commencing January 1, 2016, and                                                                      declaring an emergency.        

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-066.

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There was no Legislation Pending.



There was no Unfinished Business.



Finance Director Slocum: For the last part of this year RITA has published some recommended changes to our income tax ordinances that will be necessary due to HB 5. A lot of provisions will become enforceable on January 1. I will be asking for a meeting to go over the changes. I have work to do before I give it to you but I wanted to make sure you knew the change was coming. I went to the City Club today and the City was recognized because today we agreed to put our finances on the State’s open check book. Anyone who has access to the internet can see how we spend our money – there is full transparency by the City as to where our dollars go. I am excited with that. We decided to do this among ourselves – we have nothing to hide and want people to see where we spend our dollars and this will show it. Finally, I do not believe we need Council approval because it is under $12,500 – the contract we entered into last year with Lake Business Products for copiers was running us $10,740 a year. Previous to that it was running us just short of $15,000 a year. We are looking to enter into a 60 month lease which will cost us $9,300 a year. We are right sizing. There will be some additional functionality for people. We will move the big copier in the mailroom into the Finance Department. It will be a little bit slower speed but our volumes are tremendously down from what they were six years ago. And, if we need to change it going forward we have a good working relationship with them. I am open for any questions.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: It has been six years since we did the copiers?


Mr. Slocum: Six years ago we entered into a five year contract. Last year we entered into a two year contract and we are in the second year right now. With the closing of the Tax Department we have an excess copier which we are still legally liable to pay for. So they approached us and said they could knock our bill down and give us all new copiers. We are picking up functionality – in the Fire Department we are having the stapling option available.


Mr. Licht: Is there any benefit to more scanning capabilities instead of making copies?


Mr. Slocum: These machines have full scan capabilities.


Mr. Licht: Do we utilize it?


Mr. Slocum: Some of us do.


Mayor Morley: I scan all the time.


Mr. Licht: For records retention purposes?


Mayor Morley: For forms people need – I scan to our residents and businesses or to the Council President or Clerk.


Mr. Licht: I mentioned record retention because I know there is a lot of paperwork – there are huge data bases and unlimited amount of space you can have with record retention. It may be something the City should look into as a cost saving capability.


Mr. Slocum: I do not believe at this point we could justify the investment it would take to get the cost savings from a full scanning. For example, I scan contracts and keep them in a file. I scan and publish the monthly report. I try to take advantage of that as much as possible.


Mayor Morley: The change from when we got copies of everything in our boxes and started receiving emails in Council – the stack of papers has gone down significantly.


Mrs. Cendroski: On the RITA legislation – will you be giving me draft documents so I can prepare the appropriate legislation?


Mr. Slocum: Yes.


Mayor Morley: You should have received the emails I forwarded you.


Mrs. Cendroski: But I do not have the specific legislation they are going to want. That is what I want so I can prepare.


Mr. Slocum: There are about ten different places. I have to analyze it and see what option I am going to recommend we follow. The stuff like the loss/carry forward – the legislation calls for one year max – State law is taking it to five years – and, it will not save us money.


Mrs. Cendroski: When you do look at everything and decide what you want if you can get it to be before the new ones have to be adopted we can get it done so when Council reviews it they are reviewing our documents and not RITA’s.


Mr. Slocum: We will customize it. They have given us a blue print but it is not written in stone.


Mrs. Cendroski: We can put it together in legislative form so they can approve what you want.


There were no further questions of Mr. Slocum:



Ms. Vaughn moved to adjourn into Executive Session for discussion of matters of personnel regarding the position of part-time Clerk of Council? Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


The Special Meeting was adjourned into Executive Session for discussion of matters of personnel regarding the position of part-time Clerk of Council.



Ms. Vaughn moved to adjourn back into the Special Meeting portion. Mr. Hoefle seconded. The meeting was called back to the Special Council Meeting with Ms. Vaughn, Mr. Hoefle, Ms. Depledge, Mr. Licht, Mr. Evers and Council President D’Ambrosio.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:31 p.m.



           ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                ______________________________________

                                                            JOE D’AMBROSIO, COUNCIL PRESIDENT



APPROVED: __________________________


ATTEST: _____________________________                

                        DEBORAH A. CENDROSKI,      

                           CLERK OF COUNCIL

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