EASTLAKE CITY COUNCIL


MARCH 10, 2015


The Regular Meeting of the Eastlake City Council was held at Eastlake City Hall, 35150 Lakeshore Boulevard. The Meeting was called to order by Council President

Mr. D’Ambrosio at approximately 7:03 p.m.  


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Members of Council in attendance were Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Mr. Evers, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Hoefle, Ms. Vaughn and Council President Mr. D’Ambrosio. Mr. Licht was absent and excused. Also in attendance was Council Clerk Mrs. Cendroski.


Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Law Director Klammer, Finance Director Slocum, CBO Menn, Service Director Rubertino, City Engineer Gwydir Police Chief Reik and Fire Chief Whittington.



Regular Council Meeting– February 24, 2015

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 24, 2015.  Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. The minutes were approved.

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Meetings Scheduled

Mr. D’Ambrosio: At the last meeting I mentioned the Blvd. of 500 Flags fundraiser. Friday, April 24th from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Patrician Party Center. If you have ever been to this event before – it is a good time – there is a Chinese Auction. The tickets are $35 per person. The Mayor’s office has sold out of tickets. You can also get tickets from me or our Sergeant-at-Arms Mike Rydzinski who is part of the Blvd. of 500 Flags Committee.


The next Council-as-a-Whole Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The Regular Council meeting will be convened immediately following the adjournment of the Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting.



A communication was received from the Administration regarding the stormwater planning and project implementation. This was referred to Service/Utilities Committee.


A conditional use permit recommendation was received for MFRS, LLC dba Diamondback Bar & Grill, 34471 Vine Street, Eastlake.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: This was discussed in Council-as-a-Whole Committee. CBO Menn commented on this permit and we did receive the Planning Commission minutes to review. This will be added to the evening’s agenda.


A communication was received from the Administration requesting the recognition of April, 2015 as Child Abuse Prevention Month.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: This matter will be placed on the March 24th Council meeting agenda.



Mr. D’Ambrosio: Ordinance and Finance Committee meetings were held:


                              FINANCE COMMITTEE – Ms. Vaughn, Chair

Ms. Vaughn: The Finance Committee met and discussed the expenses the City forecast for next year. It was an open forum for questions from everyone on Council. Everyone had reviewed the budget very carefully and understood our financial situation so all questions were answered. If I remember correctly there were very few questions. I am scheduling a meeting for Tuesday, March 17th at 6:00 p.m. This will be our final meeting as we must have the budget passed by March 24th. For that reason I am requesting the Service/Utilities Chair to schedule her meeting regarding the stormwater management projects for Tuesday, March 31st I am open for questions. We have an extra week before the next Council meeting.


Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins: March 31st – sure.


Ms. Vaughn: That concludes my report. I am open for questions.


Mr. Slocum: I will have a draft of the final appropriations ordinance available before next Tuesday’s meeting.


Ms. Vaughn: I want to thank Mr. Slocum for the very helpful chart he provided us. It outlines each expense by the account and charts the entire City’s expense on office supplies, personnel, insurance, tools, road repair – it is all broken down by category. Before you had to go to each Department to see what the total cost was – this makes it very easy and compact and should provide everyone a good handle on what is in this year’s budget.


There were no questions of Ms. Vaughn.


                              PORT AUTHORITY – Ms. DePledge, Liaison

                              Ms. DePledge: The Port Authority meeting will be held tomorrow evening at the east conference room here in City Hall at 7:00 p.m. Anyone who would like to attend is more than welcome.



                              ORDINANCE COMMITTEE – Mr. Hoefle, Chair

Mr. Hoefle: The Ordinance Committee met Tuesday, March 3rd with all members of the Committee and Council in attendance except for Ms. DePledge who was absent and excused.

In attendance from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Law Director Klammer, Service Director Rubertino and CBO Menn. The Committee discussed 12 items. Mr. Menn had asked that we review Chapter 9 for changes:


Section 902.01 “Curb Cutting; Permit; Cash Deposit” – the CBO or his representative will be able to issue the permit. There were no objections and this was moved forward.


903.01 “Supervising Sidewalk Construction”; Section 903.02 “Permit for Sidewalk Construction”; Section 903.06 “Sidewalk Maintenance and Repair” – the Building Department issues the permits and as such Mr. Menn felt it was his responsibility. The recommendation was to eliminate the Director of Public Service and change it to the Chief Building Official or his representative. There were no objections from our Service Director or Committee and this was moved forward.


Section 939.24 “Sanitary Sewer Connection Violations” – this permit was issued by the Service Department and has been changed to the Building Department. There were no objections and this was moved forward.


Section 949.01 “License and Permit Required; Prerequisites, Notice of Inspection”; Section 949.02 “Specifications for Pipe, Fittings and Joints”; Section 949.07 “Pipes Passing Another; Filling In; Backfill Landscape”; Section 949.10 “Sewer Pipe Size; Connected Fixtures”; Section 949.14 “Inspections; Lot Lines” – these are for inspections. Under Section 949.07 when they fill in sewers they backfill with sand and it was becoming a big expense for homeowners and we were receiving complaints. Mr. Menn, would you like to comment?


Mr. Menn: I have been receiving complaints about the way things are backfilled for sewer repairs. Contractors were asking why they had to remove all the natural dirt in the front lawn and bring in all sand. I was in agreement with this. Where I was previously we never had any issues with this. The only difference you may see – the contractor may still use clean sand if they choose but now you may see a little hump in the yard which will eventually settle and they will plant grass. Either way they have to eventually plant grass depending on the time of the year. This just provides another option.


Mr. Hoefle: There were no objections from the Committee and this was moved forward.


Section 1301.18 “Permits; Fees; Notices” – the current ordinance provides for up to 2 years to notify someone of grass cutting – this was reduced to 12 months. There were no objections and this was moved forward.


03-10-(07): Amendments: Section 1387.19 (c) “Removal of Weeds and Litter by

Owner or Occupant; Assessment of Cost by Municipality”; Section 1389.10 (c) “Removal of Weeds and Litter; Cost Assessment” – Mr. Menn requested “early spring” be changed and we went with a 12 month period. There were no objections and this was moved forward.

Amendment: Section 1387.24 “Penalty Does Not Preclude Other Remedial Action”; Section 1389.15 “Penalty Does Not Preclude Other Remedial Action” – it was suggested that once matters are in the Court that we could assess the costs to the person’s taxes – that way we can get some money back.


Mr. Menn: Sometimes when we go to Court we may not be able to perfect service due to not being able to locate the person. The Court will eventually drop the case and when that happens the City gets hit with the cost. We are proposing this as an outlet where we could recoup the cost by sending them a letter and giving them so many days to pay the Court cost fees and if they don’t we would abate the fees on their taxes. It will be a slow process but will be better than what we have which is nothing. It is a way to get some of the money back.


Mr. Hoefle: There were no objections and this was moved forward.

Repeal: Chapter 931 “Water” – we no longer provide water services. There were no objections and this was moved forward.


03-10-(10): New Enactment: Chapter 1341 “Vacant Building and Structure Registration” –

Mr. Menn was receiving calls from companies and banks inquiring if we had any registration requirement. Right now we do not. We will be registering the vacant homes and the cost will be $150. There were no objections and this was moved forward.


Under Miscellaneous we discussed:


Section 1161.02 “Conditional Use Permits Generally; subsection (e)” – this is being tabled for further discussion on the initial permit.  It was agreed that renewals with no changes would not be referred to Council and instead be approved by the Building Department.


03-10-(11): Amendment: Section 505.14 “Wild, Dangerous, Exotic, Endangered or Undomesticated Animals Prohibited” – this came to us from Chief Reik and is specifically about geese. There is no penalty section for geese so we made it a minor misdemeanor. There were no objections and this was moved forward.


03-10-(04): Amendment: Section 939.26(d)(3) “Surcharges” – this is a housekeeping matter for the WPCC. Willoughby has already passed their legislation. There were no objections and this was moved forward.


We also discussed road repairs which the Mayor will address during his report.






Legislative Recommendation

Legislation No. 03-10-(12)

Mr. Hoefle moved to add Legislation No. 03-10-(12) to the evening’s agenda authorizing the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to MFRS, LLC dba Diamondback Bar & Grill, 34471 Vine Street, Eastlake, Ohio, 44095. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation No. 03-10-(12) is added to the evening’s agenda.


                              RECOGNITION OF THE PUBLIC

                              Mr. D’Ambrosio recognized the public input at this time; he reminded the speakers that there is a 3-minute limit for their comments; all comments are to be directed to the Chair and not include any personalities or individuals.


                              There was no one who wished to speak.


LEGISLATION PROPOSED – First number will be 2015-013

                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 03-10-(01)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending Section 902.01

Sponsored by: Ordinance Committee            “Curb Cutting; Permit; Cash Deposit,” of                                                                              the Codified Ordinances of the City of                                                                                 Eastlake, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-013.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.:  03-10-(02)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending Chapter 903

Sponsored by: Ordinance Committee            “Sidewalks” of the Codified Ordinances of the                                                                    City of Eastlake, specifically Section 903.01                                                                         “Supervising Sidewalk Construction;” Section                                                                      903.02 “Permit for Sidewalk Construction;”                                                                                 and, Section 903.06 “Sidewalk Maintenance and                                                                     Repair; Permit; Cash Deposit”, and declaring

                                                                        an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Evers seconded.

ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-014.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO: 03-10-(03)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending City of Eastlake

Sponsored by: Ordinance Committee            Ordinance Section 939.24 “Sanitary Sewer                                                                           Connection Violations,” and declaring an                                                                              emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-015.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 03-10-(04)

Requested by:  WPCC Super. Gorka                         An Ordinance amending Section 939.26, “Sewer

Sponsored by:  Ordinance Committee            Service Charges,” of the Codified Ordinances of

the City of Eastlake, specifically Section 939.26(d)(3) “Surcharges”, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-016.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 03-10-(05)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending Chapter 949 “Sewer Sponsored by: Ordinance CommitteeService Connections” of the Codified                                                                                    Ordinances of the City of Eastlake, specifically                                                                    Section 949.01            “License and Permit Required;                                                                       Prerequisites; Notice of Inspections;” Section                                                              949.02 “Specifications for Pipe, Fittings and                                                                         Joints, subsection (g);” Section 949.07 “Pipes                                                                        Passing Another; Filling In;” Section 949.10                                                                         “Sewer Pipe Size; Connected Fixtures;” and,                                                                         Section 949.14 “Inspections; Lot Lines,                                                                          subsection (a), and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-017.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO: 03-10-(06)         

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending City of Eastlake

Sponsored by: Ordinance Committee            Ordinance Section 1301.18 “Permits; Fees;                                                                           Notices”, specifically subsection (c),” and

                                                                        declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-018.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 03-10-(07)

Requested by:  Administration                       An Ordinance amending City of Eastlake

Sponsored by:  Ordinance Committee            Ordinance Section 1387.19 “Removal of Weeds                                                                   and Litter by Owner or Occupancy; Assessment                                                                   of Cost by Municipality, specifically subsection                                                                         (c),” and Section 1389.10 “Removal of Weeds                                                                and Litter; Cost Assessment, specifically                                                                               subsection (c),” and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-019.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 03-10-(08)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending Sections 1387.24 and Sponsored by: Ordinance Committee             1389.15 “Penalty does not Preclude other                                                                             Remedial Action” of the Codified Ordinances of                                                                 the City of Eastlake, and declaring an                                                                              emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-020.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 03-10-(09)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance repealing City Ordinance

Sponsored by: Ordinance Committee            Chapter 931 “Water” amended March 25,

            1980 per Ordinance No. 1980-048,

            and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-021.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 03-10-(10)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance enacting Chapter 1341 “Vacant Sponsored by: Ordinance CommitteeBuilding and Structure Registration” of the

            Codified Ordinances of the City of Eastlake,

            and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-022.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 03-10-(11)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending Section 505.14 “Wild, Sponsored by: Ordinance Committee             Dangerous, Exotic, Endangered or                                                                                         Undomesticated Animals Prohibited,” of the                                                                        Codified Ordinances of the City of Eastlake, and                                                                    declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-023.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO: 03-10-(12)

Requested by: Planning Commission            An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of Sponsored by: Council                           a Conditional Use Permit to MFRS, LLC dba

                                                                        Diamondback Bar & Grill, 34471 Vine Street,                                                                     Eastlake, Ohio, 44095, and declaring an                                                                                emergency.                                         

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-024.

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There was no Legislation Pending.



There was no Unfinished Business.



There was no New Business.




Mayor Morley: Welcome everyone. We sent over the stormwater plan so you have a chance to review it before the meeting. If you have any questions you can reach me or Mr. Gwydir. We have been receiving a lot of calls about Willowick Drive – it is a mess – we are working on putting in cold patch now until the asphalt plants open. For those who do not know I mentioned in the Gazette article, and will do so in April, that we were awarded a $500,000 grant for slab replacement on Willowick Drive. Our share will be $250,000 which will be taken out of the road levy fund. Also, we should pull in approximately $800,000 from the road levy this year – we had a carry-over of about $300,000 for a total of about $1.1 million. We would like to keep a buffer of about $300,000 so we will be spending about $800,000 on the roads this year. I have asked Council to look at their roads but we would like to put most of the money into Willowick Drive. It is just not in good shape. I have the Engineer checking to see if there is any other money out there for us and we are looking at just what parts to repair so we can get the program up and running. I sent Mayor Anderson the Memorandum of Understanding about the ladder truck. Mr. Klammer made one change on the major repairs item. After they send it back I will forward it to Council for approval. Mayor Anderson is going to talk to his Council. The Easter Egg Hunt will be at the Captains’ stadium March 28th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. It is for Eastlake residents. Also, you can sign up in my office or the Building Department for the free tickets for the Captains loge. The Captains and I met with a promoter last Friday to see if there is something we can do to find concerts or other venues for our stadium. They are looking into one item right now. We are not sure it can work but they are looking at it for if not this year then possibly next year. I had another meeting with the Republican National Convention last week and there is another meeting this week. I met with the Radisson to try to make sure their 148 rooms will be sold out for the Convention in 2016. We are working on items with the Committee to try to bring events to Classic Park. Out of all the Counties in the surrounding areas of Cleveland Lake County is ahead of the curve on trying to get some events here. Good Cents has advised they will close. I have been in contact with Giant Eagle to see if they could possibly come here with one of the newer stores they are building – the Market Place. The closest one in the area is in Solon. A resident also emailed me that she was shopping in a store called Meier in Columbus so I contacted them today. The Building Department got me all the information regarding square footage, ordinances and zoning to send to them. Hopefully I will hear back from them. This concludes my report and I am open for questions.


Mr. Hoefle: Is there any updates on the river with the warming we are getting?


Mayor Morley: The Chiefs, Mr. Rubertino and I met last week when we found out the thaw would happen. It did not look too bad today – there are cracks in the ice. Hopefully it will move.


Chief Whittington: It is perfect conditions so far – nice and warm. The thing that needs to happen is the warmth.


Mayor Morley: Emergency Management contacted me – we sent out 400 mailers to people in the flood areas and have been receiving a good response so we will have a list for the reverse 911. Mr. Rubertino’s Department is getting the pumps ready just in case. Hopefully, it will not overflow.


Mr. Evers: In reference to the Easter Egg Hunt we received a letter from the Easter Bunny. He is asking us to help stuff 10,000 eggs. So, starting next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Eastlake Community Center from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. we will be helping out the Easter Bunny. If anyone is interested in helping stop by the Community Center.


There were no further questions of Mayor Morley.


FIRE CHIEF – Ted Whittington

Chief Whittington: For whatever reason we are receiving an uncanny amount of direct phone calls to the station for emergencies. They are not calling 911. It is ranging from significant rescue calls to medical emergencies to gas leaks inside of buildings. I am not sure why this has increased. The cautionary thing with not having an administrative assistant is there are times when the Fire Station is unmanned. We were busy today and the station was completely empty. If someone calls the 7 digit number for any type of an emergency it would get kicked over to the voice mail. We encourage them to call 911. The dispatch center is staffed and the dispatchers can reach us even when the station is empty. 911 is the most efficient way to reach us. I am open for questions.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Has that happened before?


Chief Whittington: We occasionally receive calls but I got a call for rescue yesterday and we handled it but the best thing is to call 911. We most certainly can handle the calls but my biggest concern is that they would call and we are not there. We had four squad calls at once today – I was on a rescue squad – there was no one in the Fire House. If someone called they would get a voice mail. In the last two weeks we have probably received over a dozen emergency calls directly to the Fire Station. We have been able to handle them all – I am just concerned.


Mr. Hoefle: Do calls that go to voice mail roll over to the Police dispatch?


Chief Whittington: It is a business line. There is no way for that to roll over – it is a nonemergency number. We have a voice message that prompts them to call 911 in case of an emergency. 911 has a redundancy built in. If we were busy the 911 would roll over to Willoughby to handle the call. If we had a huge influx of 911 calls the system at dispatch is set up to handle multiple calls – the Fire Station is not – we have two business lines.


There were no further questions of Chief Whittington.



Chief Reik: I have no formal report and am open for questions.


There were no questions of Chief Reik.



Mr. Menn: I have no report.


There were no questions of Mr. Menn.


                     SERVICE DIRECTOR – Nick Rubertino

                     Mr. Rubertino: We opened up the dead branch of the river today. We dig out the opening of      the side river so when it does start to break through the water has some place to go. It builds       up with sand over the summer and fall so we open up about a 10 foot x 15 foot opening so   the river has someplace to go and flow into the lake and it gives us an opportunity for less flooding. The Mayor touched on Willowick Drive. We are out there in full force trying to            get as much of the patching done as we can. We are going through a tremendous amount of             cold patch. We put about 4 tons in one hole today on Willowick Drive. There are some       areas that are extremely bad. We are getting caught up on Willowick Drive and will be       getting to the other neighborhoods as soon as we can. My daughter is here with two of her            friends for a field assignment for their Lakeland College government class. I have nothing to        report. I am open for questions.


                     Ms. DePledge: When you said the dead branch were you talking about the east side of the            main river where it always fills up by the beaches – where the levy is?


                     Mr. Rubertino: Yes.


                     Mr. D’Ambrosio: Did you bring the night shift back to days?


                     Mr. Rubertino: The night shift is back on days. It has given us the opportunity to get the guys out in the daytime. The three days they have been back has got us way ahead on        Willowick Drive.


                     There were no further questions of Mr. Rubertino.


                     CITY ENGINEER – Tom Gwydir

Mr. Gwydir: I have been working on the Mayor’s stormwater initiative which I will be reporting on to the Committee the end of the month. I am doing the engineering for Willowick Drive. We are also working on the response to the USEPA who visited both Willowick and Eastlake in February, 2014. They recently came back with some findings regarding standard operating procedures and O & M activities by both cities and they have asked us to do certain things. We are responding to their letter and I will be working with the City on the standard operating procedures and O & M and reporting as we go through the year. I am open for questions.


Ms. Vaughn: Is this report to the OSEPA going to cost us money – do you have any idea how much money it will cost?


Mr. Gwydir: The short answer is – yes. It will probably be in the $10,000 – $20,000 range – possibly less. We will try to implement the cheapest way possible. We are working with Willoughby to get a unified system.


Ms. DePledge: I found it kind of ironic that the EPA took two years to get back to us with information about an improvement – have they given us a timeline for completion of our portion?


Mr. Gwydir: The response time to their correspondence was 60 days. They have not set another deadline.


There were no questions of Mr. Gwydir.



Mr. Slocum: I distributed the bid packages for asphalt, concrete and motor oil and grease products. It is an exact duplicate from last year and we are hoping to have the bids in by April 2nd so we can present it at the April 14th Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting. We published the financials today which I provided copies and emailed to everyone. I am open for questions.


There were no further questions of Mr. Slocum.


LAW DIRECTOR – Randy Klammer

Mr. Klammer: For the benefit of Mr. Rubertino’s daughter and friends – the City of Eastlake is a Chartered Municipality. We adopted a Charter which gives us home rule authority. It allows us to make local police decisions for the benefit of the community. A lot of the procedures you saw here today are a result of the Charter of the City of Eastlake including the three readings requirement and the reading in full. You heard them waive them by motion every single time. We also declared an emergency which allows the legislation to take effect immediately as opposed to waiting for 30 days. You saw legislation pass as an Ordinance. Ordinances are legislative actions that have a permanent affect as opposed to a Resolution which has a temporary affect. You heard the Committee reports. The City is divided into the Administration headed by the Mayor. There is the Mayor and the Administration which is all the Directors and the Police Chief and Fire Chief. The legislative branch is Council and they pass the ordinances. That is how it is divided. You saw ordinances passed and also heard a conditional use permit was granted. A conditional use permit is a permit granted for a business to operate upon certain conditions – hence, the name Conditional Use Permit. You also will note that the Mayor is also the Safety Director. In the City of Eastlake we can have a Safety Director who is the head of the Police and Fire Departments. This is the City of Eastlake. I am open for questions.


There were no questions of Mr. Klammer.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:42 p.m.



           ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                ______________________________________

                                                            JOE D’AMBROSIO, COUNCIL PRESIDENT



APPROVED: __________________________


ATTEST: _____________________________                

                        DEBORAH A. CENDROSKI,      

                           CLERK OF COUNCIL

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