Regular Council Meeting Minutes from February 14, 2017






FEBRUARY 14, 2017




The Regular Meeting of the Eastlake City Council was held at Eastlake City Hall, 35150 Lakeshore Boulevard.  The Meeting was called to order by Council President Ms. DePledge at approximately 7:02 p.m.   




The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.






Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Zuren, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton, Mr. Evers, Mr. Hoefle and Council President Ms. DePledge.  Also in attendance was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons. 




Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, CBO Menn and Law Director Klammer.  Fire Chief Whittington, Police Chief Reik and Service Director Rubertino, City Engineer Gwydir and Finance Director Schindel were absent and excused.




Ms. DePledge: If anyone is recording this meeting as courtesy to the public will you please identify yourself so that the fellow attendees know that they are being recorded.






Regular Council Meeting –January 10, 2017.




MOTION:  Mr. Hoefle moved to approve the minutes from January 10, 2017.  Mr. Evers second.




Motion carried.  Minutes approved.




Regular Council Meeting –January 25, 2017.


MOTION:  Mr. Hoefle moved to approve the minutes from January 25, 2017.  Mr. Spotton second.




Motion carried.  Minutes approved.






Meetings Scheduled


Ms. DePledge: The next Council-as-a-Whole Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. The Regular Council meeting will be convened immediately following the adjournment of the Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting. 




There were no further questions of Council President DePledge.






  1. A communication from the Administration to enter into a Thirteenth Amendment to the WPCC Joint Agreement with the City of Willoughby.

    Ms. DePledge: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it will be added to this evening’s agenda.


  2. A communication from the WPCC to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the City of Willoughby for implementing the payment procedure for the Equalization Basin Control Structure Rehabilitation Project.

    Ms. DePledge: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it will be added to this evening’s agenda.


  3. A communication from the Administration to enter into an agreement with TAC Computer, Inc.

    Ms. DePledge: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it will be added to this evening’s agenda.


  4. A communication from the Administration to renew the Client Services Agreement with Medicount Management, Inc.

    Ms. DePledge: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it will be added to this evening’s agenda.






Ms. DePledge: An Ordinance Committee Meetings was held on February 7, 2017.  Mr. Hoefle was absent and excused and Mr. Spotton has a report from that meeting.  Mr. Spotton?






Mr. Spotton: Thank you Madam President.  At this meeting we discussed nuisance abatement and that legislation we held it in committee pending for more discussion.  We also discussed and amendment to Chapter 1511 “Open Burning” we moved that forward and the amendment of Chapter 1501Ohio Fire Code, Section 1501.01 “Adoption” we have also moved that forward.  We discussed amending Chapter 1305 Architectural Board of Review, Section 1305.05 “Power: Rules and Procedure” we did move that forward and we also discussed the deer control that was also left into committee for further discussion.




There were no further questions of Mr. Spotton.




ECDC MEETING- Member, Michael Zuren


Mr. Zuren: Thank you Madam President.  The ECDC has set a date for the Western Lake County Job Fair and it will be held on May 13, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at North High School.  So far we have the following educational organizations that will be involved: North High School, Northern Career Institute, Auburn Career Center, Bryant and Stratton and Wickliffe Schools.  Auburn Career Center has offered to hold classes at the event in how to prepare for a job interview and how to create a resume.  The job fair will be open to people of all ages not just those who are graduating high school or college.  It will be open to everybody and there should be opportunities there for everybody and with that I am open for questions.




There were no further questions of Mr. Zuren.








MOTION: Mr. Zuren moved to add Legislation No. 02-14-(01) to this evenings agenda an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a Thirteenth Amendment to the WPCC Joint Agreement with the City of Willoughby.  Mr. Evers Second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




Motion carried Legislation No. 02-14-(01) is added to this evening’s agenda.




MOTION: Mr. Spotton moved to add Legislation No. 02-14-(02) to this evening’s agenda a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with the City of Willoughby for implementing the payment procedure for the Equalization Basin Control Structure Rehabilitation Project. Mr. Meyers Second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




Motion carried Legislation No. 02-14-(02) is added to this evening’s agenda.




MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to add Legislation No. 02-14-(03) to this evenings agenda a Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into an Agreement with TAC Computer, Inc. for services rendered to the Eastlake police Department for the total amount of Twenty Thousand One Hundred Eighty-Two Dollars and Eight Cents ($20,182.08).  Mr. Hoefle Second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




Motion carried Legislation No. 02-14-(03) is added to this evening’s agenda.




MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to add Legislation No. 02-14-(04) to this evenings agenda a Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and Finance Director to renew the Client Services Agreement with Medicount Management, Inc. to provide EMS Billing Services for the Residents of the City of Eastlake and Non-Residents.  Mr. Hoefle Second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




Motion carried Legislation No. 02-14-(04) is added to this evening’s agenda.






Ms. DePledge recognized the public input at this time; she reminded the speakers that there is a 3-minute limit for their comments; all comments are to be directed to the Chair and not include any personalities or individuals.    




Law Director Klammer has now entered the meeting.




Todd Vogler, 560 Howells Ct., Eastlake, OH


Mr. Vogler: Good evening Council Members.  I am here tonight to talk about the first step in our efforts to pass the fire levy for the City of Eastlake.  Right now we are in the stage where we need money and we figured that we need somewhere between $6,000.00 to $7,000.00.  That will finance everything that we need from yard signs, t-shirts, business cards, magnets and all of those issues that we need to help advertise for our endeavor.  What I handed out earlier to you was a flyer that will be on the internet shortly.  There is one correction to it to increase minimum fire personnel from six to eight that is an error in our endeavors, so that will be corrected before it is on our webpage.  Furthermore we are asking that perhaps we could have the Fire Department and Police Department reach out to their personnel as well as the Service Department and other members of the city…any donations would be appreciated anything from $10.00 to $20.00 check will benefit our endeavors.  If we got a ten dollar or twenty dollar check from every employee from the city that is a couple hundred dollars.  We have about seven or eight donations so far and we are now up to $1,000.00.  We have to get to the mark of $6,000.00 or $7,000.00 for us to continue our endeavors.  So if we could reach out to the city employees’s and direct those if they care to make a donation your time and efforts would be greatly appreciated.  That is where we are at right now as it goes forward I will make sure that Council is properly advices by either me or Mr. Farwell.  Are there any comments, questions or concerns?




Ms. DePledge: You are putting this on what webpage?




Mr. Vogler: This going to go on Facebook Block Watch Webpage and we are going to pdf it per suggestion to Mrs. Simons so that it is corrected…




Ms. DePledge: The Block Watch Page is a closed group and you might want to consider a new page.




Mr. Vogler: She offered so we said okay.




Ms. DePledge: You probably want an open group and then if you have a webpage I would encourage you to add it to this flyer so that it is clear.  Mayor Morley?




Mayor Morley: We have been…obviously all of the levy meetings are after working hours so the Chief and I are on levy committee with Mr. Zuren and Mr. Farwell.  Along with some of our fire and the Chief are working with the Fire Department Union to try and get a webpage up also.  Just the clarification of why the Chief and I had an issue with increase in fire we don’t want our residents to think that if the levy passes that we are going to go…the Chief in his long term plan would love to get back up to that capacity, but at this time we just don’t…the way that it is written we look at it that our residents may think that we are going to increase.  When you say that you are going to go from six to eight it’s really not.  It’s more people than that because of the three shifts.  That is the clarification on that.




Ms. DePledge: If you send this as a pdf or word file we can have Mrs. Simons attach it to the minutes for publication.




Mr. Vogler: That would be great and thank you.




Mr. Klammer: You can’t attach it to the minutes.




Ms. DePledge: I stand corrected.




Bob Spangenberg, 1034 Eastlake Dr., Eastlake, OH


Mr. Spangenberg: I am 100% in support of the levy and also I will have to get a hold of him after the meeting.  I will also make sure that W.I.N.T gets a hold of that as well and maybe we can run it on air to help.  As a lot of you guys know last week I saw where the governor is doing it again he is going to swing his ax again.  We really have to pass this levy.  There are no two ways about it.  I am really not happy about the residents being charged for the ambulance and I know why we have to do it.  It is sad that we’ve come to that time where we have to do that and hopefully this levy will pass and we can elevate that.  It is important to have a good Fire Department that is for sure, because it is nice to have someone there when you dial 9-1-1 and someone can come and help you.  That is all that I have to say for tonight.




Ms. DePledge: Just to correct the record Mr. Spangenberg our Fire Department does not bill residents for the use of the ambulance.  They bill their insurance companies and…the insurance company pays that is what they except as payment in full.  We never want our residents to think that they are going to be charged or have to have a fee for that service.  That could cause some problems.




Mayor Morley: We do a soft billing where if our residents don’t have insurance we don’t charge them.  If our bill is $1,100.00 and the insurance pays $750.00 that is all that we decide to collect.  We won’t do the hard billing because then we will have more problems.




Ms. DePledge: We don’t want people racing down Rt. 91 to the hospital because they are afraid to call 9-1-1.




There was no one else who wished to speak.




LEGISLATION PROPOSED – First number will be 2017-006


02-14-(01)                               Ordinance No.:______________




Requested by: Administration


Sponsored by: Finance Committee




An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a Thirteenth Amendment to the WPCC Joint Agreement with the City of Willoughby, and declaring an emergency.




MOTION:  Mr. Zuren moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full.  Mr. Evers second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




MOTION:  Mr. Zuren moved to adopt.  Mr. Evers second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2017-006.




02-14-(02)                               Resolution No.:_________




Requested by: WPCC Superintendent Gorka


Sponsored by: Council




A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with the City of Willoughby for implementing the payment procedure for the Equalization Basin Control Structure Rehabilitation Project, and declaring an emergency.




MOTION:  Mr. Spotton moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full.  Mr. Zuren second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




MOTION:  Mr. Spotton moved to adopt.  Mr. Zuren second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2017-007.




02-14-(03)                               resolution No.:_______




Requested by: Administration


Sponsored by: Finance Committee




A Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into an Agreement with TAC Computer, Inc. for services rendered to the Eastlake police Department for the total amount of Twenty Thousand One Hundred Eighty-Two Dollars and Eight Cents ($20,182.08), and declaring an emergency.




MOTION:  Mr. Evers moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full.  Mr. Hoefle second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




MOTION:  Mr. Evers moved to adopt.  Mr. Hoefle second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2017-008.




02-14-(04)                               Resolution No.:______




Requested by: Administration


Sponsored by: Finance Committee




A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and  Director of Finance to renew the Client Services Agreement with Medicount Management, Inc. to provide EMS Billing Services for the Residents of the City of Eastlake and Non-Residents, and declaring an emergency.




MOTION:  Mr. Evers moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full.  Mr. Hoefle second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




MOTION:  Mr. Evers moved to adopt.  Mr. Hoefle second.




ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.




Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2017-009.






There was no Legislation Pending.






There was no Unfinished Business.






There was no New Business.








Mayor Morley: Thank you Madam President and welcome everyone to this evenings meeting.   The Law Director continues to work on the purchase agreement for the old JFK and hopefully we will have something in the next couple of weeks and then we will give you the details on what we’ve worked out.  There are a couple of things that we are still working on and then Mr. Klammer will get it to Mr. Rayburn and his group and then we will bring it to Council.  My next Gazette article for March will talk about all of the bridge work that will be on Rt. 91, which will be about an eighteen month project through ODOT that is through the state.  They are supposed to start on March 1st and it will eventually be down to one lane on Rt. 91 on both sides especially this summer and it will be an issue.  They will also be shutting down some of the ramps but I put in the full detail from ODOT so make sure that everyone looks at that for the next month.  Mr. Menn, Ms. Schindel and I….I will let Mr. Menn talk a little bit more about it.  We have been meeting with various businesses over the last few weeks that want to locate and re-locate to Eastlake and we are hoping for that.  We are still in Union negotiations with all of the unions and hopefully that will get tied up here in the next few months.  On March 21st the Port Authority of Lake County has invited Mr. Menn and I to a meeting at the Auburn Career Center.  They want to try and pick some houses in the cities they work with flippers to make them more millennial                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to get the younger families in and that is a seminar that I will be at and if Mr. Menn can make it he will be there at that one.  We are going to start working on the pot holes and especially until we get the hot patch out there we are just filling them…when it snows or when the water gets in there it is just coming out and we are going to continue to work on that.  The Service guys are doing that and that concludes my report and I am open for questions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       




There were no further questions of Mayor Morley.




FIRE CHIEF – Ted Whittington


Chief Whittington was absent and excused.




There were no further questions of Chief Whittington.




POLICE CHIEF – Larry Reik   


Chief Reik was absent and excused.




There were no further questions of Chief Reik.






Mr. Menn:  Good evening and I will be at the meeting with Mayor Morley.  I would like to bring up a couple of things…as I have emailed you guys in the last couple of weeks about the Pawn Shop on Vine Street.  We are talking about the one that is across the street from Wal-Mart.  I am working with the tenant and the building owner to solve a few issues.  I have given them a couple more weeks to see if they will comply.  Come March 1st if they have not complied with my order then I will go to our Law Director and we will take action that way.  The house on North Riverview that I have been talking about for about a year is going to get demolished starting tomorrow.  They finally came in today to get the demolition permit and that should start tomorrow.  As the Mayor was saying that we had a Planning Commission Meeting last week and a very nice couple from Shaker Heights wants to build a Captain Toni’s Pizza Place on Vine Street.  This would be a brand new building and it will be where the old Rosebud Ice Cream Store was.  We did a pulmonary meeting with them and I have been talking with their architect and hopefully it will move forward pretty quickly.  As the Mayor has said we get people in all the time and we keep talking to people and there are actually a couple of small businesses that are looking to stay in Eastlake.  They found some vacant lots or property and they want to look at building some bigger buildings.  It should be a good year.   




There were no questions of Mr. Menn.






Mr. Rubertino was absent and excused.




There were no further questions of Mr. Rubertino.  






Mr. Gwydir was absent and excused.




There were no questions of Mr. Gwydir.




FINANCE DIRECTOR – Carol-Ann Schindel


Ms. Schindel was absent and excused.




Ms. DePledge: Your financial disclosure statements are due on April or May of this year.




Mayor Morley: I just did mine online.




Ms. DePledge: I just did mine but there hasn’t been a reminder so you may want to…




Mayor Morley: Just go online to the Ohio Ethics Commission website and you can do it online.




Ms. DePledge: Your Secretary of State and campaign finances are due.  We also have to approve the budget by the end of March 31st.  We will be having meetings on that and if you have any questions or concerns with the budget please make sure that you bring them to the attention of Ms. Schindel so that they can be discussed in the Finance Committee Meetings.  The budget is circulated every month so there should be no surprises for anybody.  I wanted to address that as Ms. Schindel is not here.




There were no questions of Ms. Schindel.




LAW DIRECTOR – Randy Klammer


Mr. Klammer: Thank you Madam President Members of Council and Mayor Morley. You have the marijuana ordinance and I think that you have it circulated and I wanted to get that into committee.




Ms. DePledge: I did send an email.




Mr. Klammer: I wanted to keep that on track with the purchase agreement or otherwise we could be ahead of schedule.




Ms. DePledge: We will make sure that everybody has it…it is still in committee.




Mr. Klammer: We haven’t sent it to committee yet.




Mayor Morley: We haven’t sent it to committee yet.




Mr. Klammer: Mrs. Simons has already put it together in the right format and it looks perfect.  Two things that Ms. Schindel has asked me to look at are the use of the Sewer Rehab Fund.  Apparently there is some money in there to determine…I vaguely recall having that discussion with Mr. Slocum in the past so I am going to look through to see if I have already issued an opinion on the use of those funds for her.  I think that is a significant amount of money.  Mr. Menn mentioned that new pizza place…you are going to get an ordinance from either me or Mr. Menn once and for all to deal with our parking requirements.  We have a parking requirement for a restaurant that requires one spot for every fifty square feet.  If you have a forty-five hundred square foot building it winds up being fifty parking spots that you would need.  Which none of our buildings on Vine Street could ever meet those requirements.  So you are going to get that and I am just giving you a heads on it.  Other than that I am open for questions.




There were no questions of Mr. Klammer.






The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:26 p.m.










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APPROVED: ______________________






ATTEST: _____________________________________




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