Regular Council Meeting Minutes from April 24, 2018
APRIL 24, 2018
7:00 P.M.
The Regular Meeting of the Eastlake City Council was held at Eastlake City Hall, 35150 Lakeshore Boulevard. The Meeting was called to order by Council President Mr. Meyers at approximately 7:05 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Members of Council in attendance were, Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton, Mr. Evers, Mr. Overstreet, Mr. Zuren and Council President Mr. Meyers. Also in attendance was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons. Mr. Hoefle was absent and excused.
Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Fire Chief Whittington, CBO Menn, Service Director Rubertino, City Engineer Gwydir, and Law Director Klammer. Police Chief Reik and Finance Director Schindel were absent and excused.
Regular Council Meeting Agenda –April 24, 2018.
MOTION: Mr. Overstreet moved to approve the Agenda for April 24, 2018. Mr. Evers second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried. Agenda approved.
Regular Council Meeting Minutes- April 10, 2018.
MOTION: Mr. Overstreet moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting Minutes from April 10, 2018. Mr. Spotton second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried. Minutes approved.
Meetings Scheduled
Mr. Meyers: The next Council-as-a-Whole Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The Regular Council meeting will be convened immediately following the adjournment of the Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting. Due to the Election a Motion will be made to re-schedule the normally scheduled Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Meeting to Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
There were no questions for Mr. Meyers.
MOTION: Mr. Overstreet moved to approve to re-schedule the Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Council-as-a-Whole Committee Meeting and Regular Council Meeting to Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Mr. Kasunick second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried.
- A communication from the Administration to accept the title for a 1991 Pierce Dash Fire Engine from the Village of Fairport Harbor.
Mr. Meyers: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it is on this evening’s agenda.
- A communication from the Administration to accept the title for a Ford Lincoln K-9 cruiser from Statewide for the Police Department.
Mr. Meyers: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it is on this evening’s agenda.
- A communication from the Administration to purchase two (2) 2018 ford Explorers from Lebanon Ford, Inc. for the Police Department.
Mr. Meyers: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it is on this evening’s agenda.
- A communication from Finance Director Schindel to reappropriate the expenses beginning January 1, 2018 and ending on December 31, 2018.
Mr. Meyers: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it is on this evening’s agenda.
- A communication from the Administration to Exercise City Option Number Two and Three for the Contract for Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services for the Residents of the City of Eastlake.
Mr. Meyers: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it is on this evening’s agenda.
Mr. Meyers: A Finance Committee Meeting was held since our last Regular Council Meeting. Mr. Evers?
Mr. Evers: Thank you Mr. President. We did have a Finance Committee Meeting last Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. There was one item on the agenda and it was for a Moral’s Claim towards the Senior Center from Lake Health. One of the blood pressure machines that is over there was damaged and needed repaired. I believe that we are under contract with them that any repairs are subject to the city and I will let Mr. Klammer comment.
Mr. Klammer: It wasn’t Lake Health specifically it is actually a resident that owns the company that has this Wellness Machine. I think that Lake Health pops up because I think that Lake Health is an advertiser on the machine.
Mayor Morley: Yeah it’s H Solutions.
Mr. Klammer: Grace indicates that the residents do use this machine pretty regularly. It is some type of health monitoring thing, but it was vandalized and we are under contract to pay for it. We’ve indicated to them that we are not going to indemnify them going forward if they want to keep it there. In large part because they are residents and they have a good relationship with the city. They also agreed to take a lesser amount then the damage, but we appreciate that much too.
Mr. Evers: Mayor anything else?
Mayor Morley: Yeah we’ve agreed to a $500.00 settlement so I think that we just need a Motion…
Mr. Klammer: Just a Motion.
Mayor Morley: A Motion to pay them the $500.00.
Mr. Evers: Yeah that was all discussed in Committee and it was decided by the Committee to move it forward and to appear on tonight’s agenda. That concludes my report.
Mayor Morley: I think that the only other thing that we told them was if…it’s in court right now the juveniles were arrested and going through court. If they have to end up paying any of the money back to the Senior Center and the city, because it was $2,500.00 of damage there and another $2,000.00 when they broke the televisions in the Senior Center and we are trying to get it either from their parents or them. Like I said they are juveniles and it will probably be tough to get money from them, but if we do get any recoupment of money from them we will end up giving them probably the rest of the money. At this point it’s still in the process of the courts.
Mr. Meyers: We had an ECDC Meeting since the last Meeting and I will turn it over to Mr. Zuren.
Mr. Zuren: Thank you Mr. President. We did have an ECDC Meeting today and at the meeting we presented the Eastlake Women’s Club the Good Neighbor’s Award for community impact. For all of their hard work over the years…in helping with a variety of different events in the city and I just want to say thank you to the Eastlake Women’s Club. We also discussed numerous upcoming events in the city. I am going to go over those events with some meetings that we’ve had since the last Council Meeting. We did have a Banquet Facilities Congregation Meeting on April 19 and it was held at the Tikvah House in Willoughby. It is a Men’s Recovery House and we met with twelve to fourteen representatives from local congregations. The main two items that we discussed were a celebration of Volunteerism that we may coordinate with the Stonehill Hotel late this fall to celebrate all of the people who have done great things in the surrounding cities and in Eastlake and to also to offer opportunities to people who would like to volunteer. We also discussed Trick-or-Treat Street, which will be on June 17 and we discussed the Lake County Kids Fair. The ECDC Council along with Ms. Foss, Mr. Kasunick, and Mr. Schmidt worked the 50/50 Raffle at the Lake County Captains game on April 21st and the jackpot grew to $698.00 and half of that is going to the Eastlake Police K-9 fund. I want to thank Mr. Evers and EPAL for helping with that. The big event that we have coming up is this Sunday and it is the Kids Fair. It will be at the Patrician Party Center and at this event there are nineteen vendor’s that will be there to talk about opportunities for kids’ day camp’s, overnight camp’s, sport’s camp’s that are over the summer…where you can sign-up your kids, grandchildren. There is a contest to win a Nintendo Switch, a costume contest for kids, ice cream eating contest for kids, there are numerous demonstrations. There will be a bubbleologist (which is a magician), youth karate demonstration, Busy Bee Pottery demonstration, girl’s gymnastics group, and a girl’s baton twirlers group. They will all be giving demonstrations at the Kids Fair and there will also be a Chinese Auction and a variety of other things going on at that as well as super heroes’ and Amy’s Adoptable, children’s games and activities. If anybody is interested that is on Sunday at the Patrician Party Center from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We have Vine Street Corridor Meeting on May 3 at it will be at Severino’s on Vine Street and it is open to everybody. The main topics there will be supporting our local businesses and also Trick-or-Treat Street, because that will be down Vine Street coordinated with the Lake County Captains. And lastly the Mayor and I have reached out to the Principle at Eastlake Middle School for an award it is the all A’s Award. It is going to be for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Eastlake Middle School who have received straight A’s for the full school calendar year. There are close to fifty of them, which is pretty amazing to get straight A’s in every subject for a full year. We are very proud of them and we want to recognize them and encourage the other student’s in the middle school to try and get straight A’s as well. So we are going to go on the last day of school. The Mayor, myself, and some ECDC Council Members, which is on May 23rd…we are going to give them an award and a goodie bag from some of the local businesses: Bryant and Stratton, Sports Clips, Wal-Mart, Applebee’s, C.P Coolers have all offered to donate something for these outstanding students that we are very proud of and with that I am open for questions.
There were no further questions for Mr. Zuren.
MOTION: Mr. Zuren moved to approve to file a claim for the payment of $500.00 to H Choices for the payment of a blood pleasure machine at the JFK Senior Center. Mr. Evers second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried.
RECOGNITION OF THE PUBLIC: 1/2 hour, 3-minutes per person
Mr. Meyers recognized the public input at this time; he reminded the speakers that there is a 3-minute limit for their comments; all comments are to be directed to the Chair and not include any personalities or individuals.
There was no one wishing to speak.
LEGISLATION PROPOSED: First number will be 2018-036
04-24-(01) RESOLUTION NO.: _____________
Requested by: Administration
Sponsored by: Council
A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Finance Director of the City of Eastlake to accept the title of a 1991 Pierce Dash Fire Engine from the Village of Fairport Harbor, and declaring and emergency.
MOTION: Mr. Spotton moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full. Mr. Kasunick second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
MOTION: Mr. Spotton moved to adopt. Mr. Kasunick second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No.: 2018-036.
04-24-(02) RESOLUTION NO.: _____________
Requested by: Administration
Sponsored by: Council
A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Finance Director of the City of Eastlake to accept the title of a Ford Lincoln K-9 cruiser from Statewide, for the Police Department, and declaring and emergency.
MOTION: Mr. Overstreet moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full. Mr. Spotton second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
MOTION: Mr. Overstreet moved to adopt. Mr. Spotton second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No.: 2018-037.
04-24-(03) RESOLUTION NO.: ________
Requested by: Administration
Sponsored by: Council
A Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and Director of Finance to purchase at State Bid cost, two (2) 2018 Ford Explorers Four Door, from Lebanon Ford, Inc., Lebanon, Ohio for the individual amount of Twenty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars ($27,372.00) with the total amount being Fifty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Four Dollars ($54,744.00) for use by the Eastlake Police Department, and declaring an emergency.
MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full. Mr. Spotton second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to adopt. Mr. Spotton second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No.: 2018-038.
04-24-(04) ORDINANCE NO.: _______________
Requested by: Finance Director Schindel
Sponsored by: Finance Committee
An Ordinance to reappropriate for the expenses of the City of Eastlake, State of Ohio, for the period beginning January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and declaring an emergency.
MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full. Mr. Zuren second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to adopt. Mr. Zuren second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No.: 2018-039.
04-24-(05) RESOLUTION NO.: ___________
Requested by: Administration
Sponsored by: Finance Committee
A Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and Director of Finance to Exercise City Option Number Two and Three of the Contract for Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services for the Residents of the City of Eastlake, and declaring an emergency.
MOTION: Mr. Kasunick moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and reading in full. Mr. Spotton second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
MOTION: Mr. Kasunick moved to adopt. Mr. Spotton second.
ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.
Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No.: 2018-040.
There was no Legislation Pending.
There was no Unfinished Business.
There was no New Business.
Mayor Morley: Thank you Mr. President and welcome everyone to this evenings meeting. I’ve been busy the past few weeks since our last meeting and Mr. Menn will talk about it a little bit more about what is going on in the Building Department. But we’ve been meeting with some of our other businesses and again our manufacturing that want to stay in the city they are going to expand and that’s a great thing for us. As I say every meeting we are getting closer to the light manufacturing company coming into the old Wal-Mart. The easement has finally been taken care of and now they are working on the purchase agreement. Again that will be 300 jobs and about a $13 Million payroll coming into the city, so obviously we can’t wait for that to happen. The new Circle K opened up last week at this point and time we’ve had a couple of concerns from some resident’s in the area and we continue to monitor it. Nothing really that has been going on to much…the Medical Marijuana plant continues to be built. There is a law suit that was…yesterday they talked about the people who didn’t get the license and they filed a law suit against the state saying that they didn’t do it right. At this point it continues to move on. They are due to open and ready by July or August of this year. May 8th is the Primary so regardless of your candidate or issue it’s your right to vote so please come out and vote on May 8th. The Boulevard of 500 Flags will be putting the flags back up on May 19th at 9:00 a.m. We will also be having a Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 28th with Post 678 and V.F.W. 3863 at 11:00 a.m. at the Boulevard of 500 Flags. If you’ve noticed coming down Route 91 they started a little early they were supposed to start either in May or June…the coal plant is knocking down the pile there and they want to put soil over it and start planting grass, so there have been many truck that will be coming down the street and they will take care of Erie Road with the street sweeper and washing it to make sure the dust is down. That project is to be completed by October of 2018. Obviously we will start seeing the barrels all over the place so just be careful while you’re out driving. Eastlake Community Shred Day will be on Saturday, May 12th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. behind City Hall and that will also be in my next article. If you’re going down and we haven’t had any calls yet…they will be putting cameras on Route 91 all the way to Route 6 Corridor. This is for a traffic study and the synchronization of the lights on Route 91. They aren’t traffic cameras if anyone sees them they are just to monitor all of the traffic. We had a Mayor’s and Manager’s Meeting yesterday and a couple of things that State Representative Rogers was there to give us an overview on some things. We always hear about the local government fund and how much money we’ve lost over the years, I just wanted to read because there are a couple of new House Bills that are going in. “In 2009 we lost $138,000.00, 2010 $110,000.00, 2011 $125, 00.00, 2012 $675,000.00, 2013 $994,000.00, 2014 $1,016,000.00, 2015 $942,000.00, 2016 and 2017 were about $950,000.00 to $975,000.00.” The State does…when they do that the local government fund it used to be that we would $3.53 Million since the Governor has taken we get $1.66 Million, so do the math and we are at about $6 Million that we’ve lost since that change has occurred so they are going to have House Bill 499, which will leverage a billion dollars from the budget for stabilization fund to provide low interest loans and grants to local governments to help build the infrastructure systems. Right now the Rainy Day Fund in the state is over two billion dollars. In House Bill 538 would restore the levels back to the 2005 and it is currently sitting in the First Hear Ways and Means and what I have just read of all the costs. The infrastructure again is bad and we had a report that the state got and people always talk about the road and ask us about the potholes and everything else. The State and the United States was given a D+ on infrastructure so if they do not restore the local government fund and they start giving us some money for the roads and that I think that would help. The State got a D+ and also the United State a D+ for infrastructure. Again there are a lot of people that don’t see that and when we talk about road repairs just how much roads cost to be repaired and Mr. Rubertino could probably talk about it in his report on what we are going to start doing for our road repairs this summer. That concludes my report and I am open for questions.
There were no questions for Mayor Morley
FIRE CHIEF – Ted Whittington
Chief Whittington: Thank you Mr. President I want to congratulate the Women’s Club. They have always been big supporters of the Fire Department and I am very proud to work with them when we can. They are just one of those groups that do so much for the community so I think that we are very blessed to have them so congratulations on all of the work that you do and hopefully many more years of continued support so thank you. One other thing that we ended up…it doesn’t rain a couple of drops around this city anymore we always get around four or five inches of rain. The other day and over the weekend we got a lot of rain and I just want to point out that Mr. Rubertino’s guys are out there all night and the next morning there were a couple of spots where the creek was real high and his guys were out there working and pumping off stuff. Their work actually saves houses from flooding and I know that we still get some stuff going on but I just want to make sure that Mr. Rubertino’s guys get recognized and he gets recognized, because they are out there and everyone wants to yell at them, because mother nature’s dumping all of the rain on them, we can’t help that. But these guys are out there working real hard and it is always proud to see all of us coming together so his guys did an amazing job over that and they should be commended for that. Because a lot of times it’s easy to pick up where there are potholes not getting filled but his guys are out there doing the best work…some nice work Mr. Rubertino. A couple of things to mention we celebrated Dr. Muzzer’s life at the Croatian Lodge on Sunday I don’t know if you’ve been following that but he was a chiropractor that was out of Mentor and I went to school with him. The only reason that I mention that is his father actually was the Fire Chief here in Eastlake from 1977 to 1994 and it was a great way to honor him. I just talking about it I want everybody if you hear about it just think about his family and they have a long road to recovery, but there is a lot of Eastlake connection to Dr. Musser and the things that he did and I just wanted to mention that. Finally we had a bike accident over the weekend …motor cycle accident on Vine Street. The only reason why I bring this up is because I know we get witnesses and the rider did pass away from her injuries. It was pretty horrific the motor cycle was weaving in and out of traffic and no helmets, so if I could just pass along to people take your time and be continuous when you’re driving. If you’re riding a motor cycles have helmets on and do those kinds of things…summer is coming up and if you’re a car rider be continuous of motor cycles. We have to get used to having them back on the roads so it is just something to think about when you’re out there. Other than that I’m open for questions.
There were no questions for Chief Whittington.
Chief Reik was absent and excused.
There were no questions for Chief Reik.
Mr. Menn: Thank you. I just wanted to let you know that the BZA has a meeting tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. and there will be one item on the agenda. Thursday at 7:00 p.m. there is a Planning Commission Meeting and there will be two items on the agenda. Late this afternoon I opened up a package and it was for a face lift at the Vine Yards. They are going to re-face the front and it is a good thing. I didn’t really look at it that much but anything will help. We had about five or six…a lot of people don’t see that we have a lot of industrial parkways in our city that a lot of small businesses go into and when I mean small businesses I mean like landscapers, auto shops. We just did about five or six small businesses within the past two weeks that have come into the city. As the Mayor said we met with two companies in the city that want to expand and stay here. We are doing our best to help them out and make sure that we can accomplish that, so a lot of expansions. I got a call today on another expansion on a smaller building but its still people are investing. The house on Campers Drive is no longer and it is finally down…I’ve been saying this for probably a year in a half to two years…so it is finally gone. One of the land marks in the city is gone…have you seen on Lakeland Boulevard the boat on top of the old Sneaky Pete building is gone. I am kind of happy to see that boat gone. That concludes my report.
There were no questions for Mr. Menn.
Mr. Rubertino: Good evening. Thank you Chief Whittington and I appreciate that and I will pass it on to the guys. I would also like to commend the Women’s Club they have always been here…in my twenty something years here I’ve been dealing with Debbie and everything seems to be really come out on top on that and I appreciate them in the city as well. We’ve started some hog out repairs already on Waverly and on Mannering and we will continue with that. Then we have the plants open this week for hot box so we will be out there with a group of guys doing the pot hole repairs as best as we can and we will be able to make more permanent repair rather than just the cold patch that comes as soon as the snow comes or the rain flies and with that I’m open for questions.
There were no questions for Mr. Rubertino.
Mr. Gwydir: Thank you Mr. President, Members of Council and Mr. Mayor. The only thing that I have to report is that I am working on an application for the OPWC for repairs to Willowick Drive. I am working with Mr. Rubertino and the Mayor on our third or fourth go now to get money from the State for that work and on Glenn Drive as well and with that I’m open for questions.
There were no questions for Mr. Gwydir.
FINANCE DIRECTOR – Carol-Ann Schindel
Ms. Schindel was absent and excused.
There were no questions for Ms. Schindel.
LAW DIRECTOR – Randy Klammer
Mr. Klammer: Thank you Mr. President, Members of Council and Mr. Mayor. The only thing is that you have an email over to me for an amendment to the BZA to remove that 20% requirement. Just a quick back story our current ordinance prohibits the Board of Zoning and Appeals from granting a variance for area restrictions anymore on side yards anymore that 20%. We routinely get cases where we need more than 20% and this week I think that we have one where you have a 30 foot lot and all of the other homes are 700 square feet and we have to make these accommodations, which end up violating the ordinance, but we have to do it. I think that it is time to have that removed so we just have that flexibility. You have that email from me on that so I think that we can put it into committee. That concludes my report and I am open for questions.
There were no questions for Mr. Klammer.
Mr. Meyers: Mayor Morley?
Mayor Morley: I forgot one item…probably in the next couple of months you are going to see some security measures in City Hall. We had an incident last week that is going to make us…I’ve been talking about it since I go into office about locking down City Hall. Any other city Willowick, Willoughby, and Wickliffe you just can’t wonder around City Hall so we are looking at and we had it in the phone quote. What we are looking to do is people who come into the vestibule that there will be a phone and they will dial to which department that they need to get into to get into City Hall. Over the next few months you will see that security change. We are also working with the Chief to get all city employee’s id’s too so people know who is supposed be here and who’s not. Unfortunately that is the time that we live in. We’ve been pretty good here and obviously but one…it’s that time that we have to start doing that. Again it is unfortunate that we have to do it but between the library and our employee’s we just have to make it as safe as we can with the environment. Unfortunately in the country that is what you read in the paper every day. You will see that over the next few months.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:37 p.m.
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ATTEST: _____________________________________