EASTLAKE CITY COUNCIL


APRIL 28, 2015


Due to a malfunction with the sound system the minutes have been transcribed via notes


The Regular Meeting of the Eastlake City Council was held at Eastlake City Hall, 35150 Lakeshore Boulevard. The Meeting was called to order by Council President

Mr. D’Ambrosio at approximately 7:08 p.m.  


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Members of Council in attendance were Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Mr. Evers, Ms. DePledge, Ms. Vaughn and Council President Mr. D’Ambrosio. Mr. Hoefle and Mr. Licht were absent and excused. Also in attendance was Council Clerk Mrs. Cendroski.


Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Law Director Klammer, Finance Director Slocum, Police Chief Reik and Fire Chief Whittington. CBO Menn. Service Director Rubertino and City Engineer Gwydir were absent and excused.



Regular Council Meeting with adjournment into Executive Session – April 14, 2015

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting with adjournment into Executive Session of April 14, 2015.  Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. The minutes were approved.

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Meetings Scheduled

Mr. D’Ambrosio referred to the Blvd. of 500 Flags fundraiser held on April 24th mentioning that it was well attended and everyone had a great time. He further stated that the next Council-as-a-Whole Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The Regular Council meeting will be convened immediately following the adjournment of the Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting.



A communication was received from the Administration regarding the Municipal Tax Incentive Grant Agreement with Presrite Corporation. This was discussed in Council-as-a-Whole Committee. Legislation pertaining to this will be placed on the May 12th Council agendas.




Mr. D’Ambrosio stated that an ECDC meeting was held:


                              ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL – Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Chair

                              Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins reported that the Mayor presented to the ECDC legislation regarding a proposed Charter change which was in line with previous discussions about the zoning regulations. All were in favor of this proposal. Further, they discussed a list of fishing charters in the City and how more public access could be provided.


                              Mayor Morley stated that the rezoning legislation is being presented in hopes of releasing the stranglehold our current ordinance has on development in the City. Mr. Klammer and Mrs. Cendroski both helped to prepare this legislation. It will be reviewed in Ordinance Committee to which he invited the members of the ECDC to attend.


                              There were no further questions or comments.


                              RECOGNITION OF THE PUBLIC

                              Mr. D’Ambrosio recognized the public input at this time; he reminded the speakers that there is a 3-minute limit for their comments; all comments are to be directed to the Chair and not include any personalities or individuals.


                              Bob Spangenberg, 1034 Eastlake Drive, Eastlake

                              Mr. Spangenberg thanked Police Chief Reik and the Police Department for their help in retrieving his automobile which was recently stolen. And, at his request checked his house to ensure his dogs were safe.


                              There was no one else who wished to speak.


LEGISLATION PROPOSED – First number will be 2015-040

                                                                        RESOLUTION NO.: 04-28-(01)

Requested by: WPCC Super. Gorka            A Resolution granting permission from the

Sponsored by: Council                                   City of Eastlake to the City of Willoughby to

expend funds in an amount not to exceed

Seventy-Eight Thousand Dollars ($78,000.00)

for the engineering of the replacement of the W-E WPCC outfall diffuser section in Lake Erie,

and declaring an emergency.

As there was no quorum this legislation will be placed on the May 12th Council agendas.

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                                                                        RESOLUTION NO.: 04-28-(02)

Requested by: WPCC Super. Gorka             A Resolution granting permission from the

Sponsored by: Council                                   City of Eastlake to the City of Willoughby to

expend funds in an amount not to exceed

Seventy-Four Thousand Dollars ($74,000.00)

for the engineering for the W-E WPCC Equalization Basin Rehabilitation Project, and declaring an emergency.

As there was no quorum this legislation will be placed on the May 12th Council agendas.

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                                                                        RESOLUTION NO.: 04-28-(03)

Requested by: WPCC Super. Gorka             A Resolution granting permission from the

Sponsored by: Council                                   City of Eastlake to the City of Willoughby to

expend funds in an amount not to exceed

Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000.00)

for the engineering for the W-E WPCC Plant Performance Assessment, and declaring an emergency.

As there was no quorum this legislation will be placed on the May 12th Council agendas.

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There was no Legislation Pending.



There was no Unfinished Business.



There was no New Business.




Mayor Morley welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming out. He reported that the flag raising for the Blvd. of 500 flags will be held on May 2nd and encouraged all to come out and help. He will be in Washington, D.C. on Thursday and Friday meeting with our federal legislators. He will be meeting with the Engineer and Watershed Partners to review the flooding plans and any possible grants that may be available and will also be working with Victims’ Advocate Gibaldi on the Police Department Block Grant. As part of the Stormwater Agreement we will be using the Counties street sweeper on Vine Street for two weeks out of the year which will save our Department valuable time. The Engineer is working on the bid for work on Luanna. And, the Service Department continues to work on potholes. On May 4th the Service Administrator will be moving to the Building Department. She will still work for the Service Director. The Service Department will be closed during lunch hour from 11:00 a.m. to noon. All this is posted on the door. This concluded his report and he was open for questions.

Ms. Vaughn asked the Mayor about rumors regarding something moving into the Vineyards.


Mayor Morley replied that there is nothing to date but he has talked to the gentleman in charge of the Vineyards. The gentleman is out of town at meetings but is to contact him upon his return. He has talked to engineering companies who do not want to be identified but will let people know when he knows something. Also, CBO Menn, Engineer Gwydir and he will be meeting with WalMart about the status of the driveway.


There were no further questions of Mayor Morley.


FIRE CHIEF – Ted Whittington

Chief Whittington reported that the City has received a FEMA grant in the amount of $220,286 with the City’s share being $11,014 which will come out of the Fire Levy Fund. The total amount is $231,300. Funds will be used to purchase power lift systems for the cots for the three rescue squads which will assist our firefighters during a rescue call. With the staff shortage this will be a big help. $153,000 of the funds will also be used to replace the Department’s SCBA’s which are air packs that firefighters wear for hazardous atmospheres. The air packs have a two-year shelf life. He thanked Battalion Chief Lloyd for his efforts in obtaining this grant. He further reported that Firefighter Federer has been diligently recycling for the Department and even would take the recyclables in his car to dispose of them properly. Firefighter Federer has arranged with the City’s disposal company to provide a dumpster for recycling at the Department at no cost to the City – he is thanked for his dedication. This concluded Chief Whittington’s comments and he was open for questions.


There were no questions of Chief Whittington.



Chief Reik thanked Mr. Spangenberg for his comments and had nothing to report and was open for questions.


There were no questions of Chief Reik.



CBO Menn was absent and excused.



                     Mr. Rubertino was absent and excused.


                     CITY ENGINEER – Tom Gwydir

Mr. Gwydir was absent and excused.



Mr. Slocum reported that the refinancing of the City Hall bonds closes tomorrow and It will save us $20,000 over three years and $17,000 of that this year of that. The taxes collected in April exceeded last year’s collection and this year’s budget for the month. We are ahead for this year and slightly behind last year. He had nothing additional to report and was open for questions.


There were no questions of Mr. Slocum.


LAW DIRECTOR – Randy Klammer

Mr. Klammer and nothing to report and was open for questions.


There were no questions of Mr. Klammer.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:27 p.m.



           ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                ______________________________________

                                                            JOE D’AMBROSIO, COUNCIL PRESIDENT



APPROVED: __________________________


ATTEST: _____________________________                

                        DEBORAH A. CENDROSKI,      

                           CLERK OF COUNCIL

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