Regular Council Meeing Minutes for November 10, 2015





NOVEMBER 10, 2015

The Regular Meeting of the Eastlake City Council was held at Eastlake City Hall, 35150 Lakeshore Boulevard. The Meeting was called to order by Council President

Mr. D’Ambrosio at approximately 7:05 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Evers, Mr. Licht, Mr. Hoefle, Ms. Vaughn and Council President Mr. D’Ambrosio. Mr. Licht, Ms. DePledge and Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins were absent and excused. Also in attendance was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons.

Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Law Director Klammer, Finance Director Slocum, Service Director Rubertino, City Engineer Gwydir, CBO Menn and Fire Chief Whittington. Police Chief Reik was absent and excused.


Regular Council Meeting –October 13, 2015 and for October 27, 2015.

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 13, 2015. Mr. Hoefle seconded.

ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.

Motion carried. The minutes were approved.

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 27, 2015. Mr. Hoefle seconded.

ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.

Motion carried. The minutes were approved.

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Meetings Scheduled

Mr. D’Ambrosio: The next Council-as-a-Whole Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The Regular Council meeting will be convened immediately following the adjournment of the Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting.


A communication from CBO Menn for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to The Wickliffe F.O.E. Aerie #4086 dba Eagle Bingo.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it will remain under Miscellaneous for the next Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting.

A liquor license request from Dolgen Midwest LLC, dba Dollar General Store 16073, 36180 Lakeshore Blvd., Eastlake.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: Mr. Hoefle is going to make a Motion on this under Committee Reports.

A communication from Finance Director Slocum for an ordinance to reappropriate for the expenses of the City of Eastlake.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: This was discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it will remain under Miscellaneous for the next Council-as-A-Whole Committee Meeting.

Mayor Morley: As I had talked to you earlier could we add under Communications to have the Croatian Home Agreement put into a Committee Meeting. It doesn’t matter what ever Committee you decide and if it is possible could we have it on December 1st with the Croatian Home. This is about the leasing of some property behind the Community Center so that they could build two soccer fields. Mrs. Simons has some of the information that she could give you on it.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: You want to do it under a Finance Committee Meeting?

Mayor Morley: Yes.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: We could schedule that for December 1st.

Mr. Slocum: If you are talking about a Finance Committee Meeting I have the legislation for the initial appropriations for next year that I would like….

Ms. Vaughn: Thank you.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: Let’s do that also.

Mr. Slocum: I just need to have the Certificate of Estimated Resources from the County back by that time. I have submitted that today and I do not anticipate that there will be an issue there.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: Could you get with Mrs. Simons and make sure that she gets all of the legislation and….

Mr. Slocum: I have the legislation drafted and ready to go. The other thing that I will have before the end of the year is one final reappropriation for the City to keep us within the budget compliance.

Ms. Vaughn: Will you have that ready before December 15th because that is our last meeting.

Mr. Slocum: I am going to have it ready on December 15th probably not before.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: If we have to schedule an Emergency Meeting then we will. We will do what we have to do.

Ms. Vaughn: I know that it’s pushing it.

Mr. Slocum: I am going to try and have it done and it I have to I will just cut off any expenditures and suspend them for two weeks.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: We will get it and we will make it happen.

Ms. Vaughn: Whatever works for you?

Mr. Klammer: When is the Committee Meeting?

Mr. D’Ambrosio: December 1st.

Mayor Morley: they could have a different Committee Meeting before that the one for December 1st is because the guy from the Croatian Home is out of town.

Ms. Vaughn: I don’t think that we need on before December 1st.

Mr. Klammer: You are going to communicate with them then on the Croatian Center?

Mayor Morley: Yes I have been talking to Marco.

A communication from Finance Director Slocum for a resolution to enter into a contract with O’Connor’s Towing Service, Inc.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: This was also discussed in Council-As-A-Whole and it will remain under Miscellaneous at the next Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: No Committee Meetings were held. Mr. Hoefle would you like to make that Motion?

Mr. Hoefle: Yes and thank you Mr. President.


Liquor License: Dollar General

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle move to approve and send back to Columbus, Ohio with no objections the liquor license permit request from Dolgen Midwest LLC, dba Dollar General Store 16073, 36180 Lakeshore Blvd., Eastlake, OH. Mr. Evers second.

ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.

Motion carried. The liquor license request was approved.

Mr. D’Ambrosio: Mr. Evers would you like to read your Motion?

Legislation No.: 11-10-(03)

MOTION: Mr. Evers moved, pursuant to City of Eastlake Ordinance 111.01 “Rules of Council” to re-schedule the Tuesday, December 22, 2015 Council-as-a-Whole Committee Meeting and the Regular Council Meeting to Tuesday, December 15, 2015, with the Council-as-a-Whole Meeting being scheduled for 7:00 p.m. and the Regular Council Meeting to immediately follow the adjournment of the Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting. Mr. Hoefle second.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried.


Ms. Vaughn: Would you like me to put it on the record about the Finance Committee Meeting?


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Sure.


Ms. Vaughn: Just so it is on the Minutes Mr. Slocum approval to schedule a Finance Committee Meeting for December 1st at which time we will be discussing the reappropriations that were brought forth this week and the contract with the Croatian Home. Along with any other miscellaneous things that Mr. Slocum would like to bring forward. The meeting will be at 6:00 p.m.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Anyone else from Council have anything that they would like to add? Mr. Hoefle?


Mr. Hoefle: I believe that Mr. Evers is going to chair the Ordinance Committee Meeting for next Tuesday?


Mr. Evers: Yes.


Mr. Hoefle: We are going to discuss the ordinances that were presented to us by CBO Menn. I will be out of town and Mr. Evers will chair the meeting.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: We will do that after the Finance Committee Meeting.


Ms. Vaughn: That is for next Tuesday.


Mr. Hoefle: Next Tuesday.


Ms. Vaughn: Mine is for December go back to November.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: It’s for the November 17th.


Mr. Evers: Tuesday November 17th.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Mr. Evers you are going to chair that meeting then.



                              Mr. D’Ambrosio recognized the public input at this time; he reminded the speakers that there is a 3-minute limit for their comments; all comments are to be directed to the Chair and not include any personalities or individuals.


                              Angelo Trivisonno, 34186 Waldmere Ave., Eastlake

                              Mr. Trivisonno: I am here today to announce on behalf of the Beautification Committee a new event that we are going to try out that is going to start this year and it is called The Holiday Doors Contest. We had a stand up meeting last night to hash out all of the details. The contest is to get residents excited about decorating for the holiday season. We are going to have this contest so that residents are encouraged to submit pictures of their entry way into their home. Whoever decorates it the finest according to several judging criteria that we came up with. They will win a prize and the grand prize is courtesy of the Mayor’s Office. They are lounge tickets to one of the Captain’s home games. We quickly set up a website yesterday and the web address is that is where you can find all of the details for the contest. I contacted the Eastlake Gazette and The News-Herald today and hopefully we were able to get into November’s Gazette edition. What I handed out tonight to all of the Council Members here is a print out of our websites first blog post. We hope that you will also participate in it and spread the word. We also put an advertisement in the Eastlake Gazette and I believe that the Mayor is going to briefly mention it in his article and if you would like to mention it in your articles we would be happy to see that. That is all and thank you.


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: Thank you very much Mr. Trivisonno and I think that it is a good idea. I am curious to see how far this goes. Mr. Trivisonno is the only one who signed up to speak is there anyone else who would like to address Council? Mr. Beres?


                              Ted Beres, 36706 Lakehurst Dr., Eastlake

                             Mr. Beres: I just wanted to pay tribute to Ms. Vaughn and Mr. D’Ambrosio. I know that your tour of duty is almost up and I know that both of you are battle weary and ready for some well deserved rest and relaxation. I would like to say that your commitment has been immeasurable and the City has indeed been blessed to have people of your stature to serve them. I hope that the new Councilmen will measure up to the example that you have set. Thank you for your service and God bless.


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: Thank you Mr. Beres.


                              Ms. Vaughn: That was nice.


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: Yes it was. Is there anybody else who would like to address Council?


                              There was no one else who wished to speak.


                              LEGISLATION PROPOSED – First number will be 2015-082

There was no Legislation Proposed.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: We are not going to go into any of the legislation it is all put on First Reading.






There was no Unfinished Business.



There was no New Business.




Mayor Morley: Thank you, Mr. President. Welcome residents and newly elected Council personal. Congratulations on your races everyone from the Administration look forward to working with you. I will give my heartfelt good buys to my friends on Council when the time is fit at the end of the year.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: You aren’t going to try and hug me are you?


Mayor Morley: Most of us have been working together for the last nine or ten years and again they have worked hard. We hope that those who are in the audience that were elected do the same and work with us. We need to move this City forward and obviously everyone knows that we will continue to have financial hardship but we will work together to continue our fight. I would like to thank the Beautification Committee on Halloween there was a News-Herald article that was on the front page which is good press for the City of Eastlake. So thanks to the Beautification Committee which I know that Angelo and Jessica are on that committee and the linage is of course Rudy and Debbie, along with Katie and her daughter and a her friends, and Cub Scouts #83 and #105, and Eastlake Soccer. It was a great turn out and we were glad that people were there. The flag removal will be this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. at the Boulevard of 500 Flags. We will be bringing down the flags for the winter. Tomorrow is Veterans Day so please thank our veterans for everything that they have done for us to keep us free and safe. The V.F.W. on Vine Street that is located behind Save A lot and they will have a ceremony that is at 1:00 p.m. that I will be attending. The ECDC Committee will meet on November 24th at 5:30 p.m. We have met for awhile and we just want to catch up on a few things. If you see that your neighbor’s have their leaves out on the tree lawn please remind them that we are not having leaf pick up this year. We’ve been posting it everywhere and it seems that some still do not know. We know that people are still upset that we are not picking them up but this is what we have to do when we cut the people back. December 6th is the evening with Santa Claus at the Eastlake Community Center and it will start at 6:00 p.m. The Eastlake Community Christmas will be at Wal-Mart on December 5th where the Police, EPAL, and the Victims Advocate will be collecting toys for needy families in the City of Eastlake and that will be from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This week Kolhnar’s should be opening this week but the Health Department still has to pass them. They are a catering and take and they will be 35400 Vine Street right next to the Two Bucks and they will be opening shortly. Please continue to support our businesses and our restaurants. We also have a few more manufacturing groups that are expanding again. We are excited and we have been working with Suburban Manufacturing and a new High Tech Metal that is also on Lakeland Blvd. that will also be expanding. We are glad that they are going to be bringing more jobs and that they are staying in our City. That concludes my report and I am open for questions.


There were no further questions of Mayor Morley


FIRE CHIEF – Ted Whittington

Chief Whittington: Thank you Mr. President. I have just a couple of things to report. I was with the Finance Director Slocum and we opened up the bid packages that we announce a couple of weeks ago for the SCBA’s that we got through the AFG grant. We did have one bid package that met the criteria. I will get with Mr. Slocum and maybe we could get it scheduled for the December 1st meeting so that you guys could take a look at that so that we can move forward on it. It will come out of the AFG grant and we have a 5% that we have to put into that grant. It will come out of the 410 account. It is already covered and budgeted for. On Friday we held interviews for the entry level fire fighter position. This would be for the third spot of the Safer Grant. If you remember when we recalled the three fire fighters that we laid off only two have accepted the recall and third one had accepted another position. We have been running short so and we have been working with the Mayor and we made a tentative offer to a young man. He has to finish up a few things before we are able to get him on board. We are hoping that it will happen in a couple of weeks. He will fill the third spot on Safer and again it doesn’t affect the budget. I think that Mr. Slocum has worked real well with FEMA to get it dialed in so that when we request funds to pay for the payroll. We haven’t seen really any glitches and I think that it took us a couple of times to understand exactly what needed to be done and how to do it. However, after that it has been pretty smooth and I will let Mr. Slocum explain if there is anything other than that. I am comfortable with it. I know that it is odd for me to say that we are hiring and I want to make it clear that this is part of that Safer and it is only good for two years. After that we are going to have to figure out where we are at as a community. Other than that I am open for questions.


Mr. Slocum: Just a couple of points. The two years actually started in July.


Chief Whittington: August 27th.


Mr. Slocum: Was it August? The two years started…so we don’t have three people for a full two years. We have two years for the grant to run. With the bid opening that we have I’m just wondering if we could get that onto the next Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting. I don’t think that there is anything you couldn’t….


Mr. D’Ambrosio: For November 24th?


Mr. Slocum: For the next meeting.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: We could put in on there just send us everything.


Mr. Slocum: Instead of waiting for the Finance Committee Meeting. If that is okay with you.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Just send it over to us and we will review it. We can do that. It is just accepting the grant. Does anyone have a problem with that?


There were no further questions of Chief Whittington.



Mr. Rubertino: I have just a couple of things to touch on. We have completed the catch basin repairs that we had anticipated for this year. There were approximately twenty three of them that were major repairs that we did. We are starting to get trucks ready for the snow and salting. We are going to start receiving our salt tomorrow. That is all that I have and I am open for any questions.


There were no further questions of Mr. Rubertino.



Mr. Gwydir: thank you Mr. President and members of Council and Mayor. Just very briefly the Willow Drive slab repair program is approximately 50% complete. We are getting into that stage of the year where we are going to be fighting with the weather. We are hopeful to have at least a full contract quantity of at least 6,400 square yards complete by mid December. There will be more repairs done in the spring. We do have the funds to cover some additional quantities. It will be done in the spring what wasn’t done in the fall from the weather. Also on Friday at noon bids will be coming in for the Central Eastlake Strom Sewer cleaning and televising project. With that I am open for questions.


There were no questions of Mr. Gwydir.



Mr. Slocum I have nothing to report from Finance however I would like to add on about what the Mayor had stated with the leaf pick up. We have seen that there are a couple of contractors out there that residents can hire to have their leaves picked up off of their tree lawn. They need to make those arrangements beforehand. With that I do not have a report and I am open for questions.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Mayor Morley?


Mayor Morley: Just to add on to my report the Chief has also made some tags as a friendly reminder. We are still getting calls…I know that CBO Menn’s department is getting calls on complaints about people that are having them…just upset with what is going on just have them tell their neighbors about what is going on with the leaf pick up. And that is why when I said to let your neighbors know that is the reason that we have been getting complaints about people blowing their leaves in the streets or blowing them on their tree lawn.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Chief Whittington?


Chief Whittington: They started talking about leaves and I just wanted to say that we have seen an increase in people burning their leaves as a method of removal. I know that we were out on East 332nd Street a couple of times in the same area. The Mayor actually received an email from the resident and at the time the resident was complying. However the question is the need for us to bring a half of a million dollar fire truck that get 1.5 miles to the gallon to a scene. My rebuttal to that is that when we go to a place that is on fire we want to prepare ourselves to have water and hoses and type of thing because we don’t know what we are up against. Unfortunately the next day we had a resident on Iris Lane was burning her leaves and before everything was said and done her wooden fence along with her neighbor’s wooden fence along with the siding off of her neighbor garage was burnt. That little error as far as burning leaves was quit costly to two of her neighbors and I am sure that her homeowners insurance will not be happy when get the claim. Just a reminder the alternative to not bagging your leaves in not to burn them and the City ordinances and the City laws actually do not allow us to burn leaves. It is just a reminder and I just thought about that when everybody was talking about it.


There were no questions of Mr. Slocum.



Chief Reik was absent and excused.


There were no further questions of Chief Reik.



Mr. Menn had no report for this evening.


There were no questions of Mr. Menn.


LAW DIRECTOR – Randy Klammer

Mr. Klammer: Thank you Mr. President, members of Council and Mayor Morley. Mr. Slocum and I tried one more time with the garbage collection with the County and they rejected or effort again to convince them to let us certify those things. I know that is along the same lines and I know that the Mayor was talking with the Chief and Mr. Slocum how we are going to tag those things too so that will be coming as well. I am open for questions.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Is there anything else from anyone on Council? Mrs. Simons do you have anything?


Mrs. Simons: No.


There were no further questions of Mr. Klammer.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:29 p.m.





                                                            JOE D’AMBROSIO, COUNCIL PRESIDENT



APPROVED: __________________________


ATTEST: _____________________________                

                             TRACY M. SIMONS,      

                           CLERK OF COUNCIL


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