COUNCIL AS A WHOLE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY NOVEMBER 26, 2013 ATTENDEES Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Licht, Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Ms. Vaughn, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Hoefle, Mr. D’Ambrosio and Council President Mr. Morley. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Cendroski. Attending and in the audience was Councilman-at-Large Elect Mr. Evers. Those attending from the Administration were Law Director Klammer, Finance Director Slocum, City Engineer Gwydir and Police Chief Reik. Fire Chief Whittington was absent and excused. Mayor Andrzejewski was absent. LEGISLATION PROPOSED: 11-26-(01): ADOPTION: NOVEMBER, 2013 CODIFIED ORDINANCE REPLACEMENT PAGES Mr. Morley: This is a housekeeping item. There were no questions or comments. 11-26-(02): CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: TWO BUCKS EASTLAKE, INC.: 35400 VINE STREET, UNIT J, EASTLAKE Mr. Morley: Mr. D’Ambrosio? Mr. D’Ambrosio: This was discussed in Planning Committee which was held November 19th. This is a bar and grill and will be where Third Base used to be – and also Beef O’Brady’s. They have five locations right now and want to make this their sixth location. It looks like it could be something pretty good. The Committee recommended this be moved forward. Mr. Morley: It will be located at the site of the old Beef O’Brady’s. There were no questions or comments. 11-26-(03): CONTRACT: YOUR GENERATOR CONNECTION: JFK SENIOR CENTER GENERATOR: $23,064.52 Mr. Morley: Mr. D’Ambrosio? Mr. D’Ambrosio: This was also discussed in the Planning Committee meeting. We are going to purchase a generator for the JFK Senior Center for the cost of a little over $23,000. If there is ever a major power outage or something where the Red Cross would have to get together – this will be a place where the seniors can gather and there will be power there. We discussed this a while back and the bids came in and the Committee agreed to move this forward. Mr. Slocum: We did not advertise for bids. We obtained three separate quotes. Mr. D’Ambrosio: Thank you for clarifying that. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins: Are we required to go out for bids on this? Mr. Slocum: We are required to go out for bid if we are expending more than $25,000. The State amount is now $50,000 and by Charter we are required to go out for bid for anything half of that. However, if it is over $12,500 I need to get Council approval. That is why it is before you right now. There were no further questions or comments. LEGISLATION PENDING: There was no Legislation Pending. MISCELLANEOUS: AMENDMENT: 155.06 “SICK LEAVE TO BE CUMULATIVE: RETIREMENT PROVISION, SUBSECTION (A)(2)” Mr. Morley: This amendment is to correct a clerical error that occurred – we had eight years shown and it is supposed to be ten years. We originally amended this some time ago. There were no questions or comments. MOTION TO ACCEPT REVISED LEASE AGREEMENT: JEAN CHASE MEMORIAL FUND, INC. & CITY OF EASTLAKE: COMMUNITY CENTER Mr. Morley: Mr. D’Ambrosio? Mr. D’Ambrosio: This was also discussed in the Planning Committee meeting. This has to do with setting up and taking down for bingo at the Community Center. They were paying $231 per day and the amount will be increased to $275. The Service Department will be setting up and taking down. This increase will absorb most of the cost of the Service Department employees. They agreed to this. We will be moving forward with approval of the lease agreement tonight. There were no questions or comments. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:04 p.m. dac APPROVED: ________________ DATE: __________________

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