Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting Minutes from September 26, 2017
SEPTEMBER 26, 2017
7:00 P.M.
Mr. Evers opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Zuren, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton and Mr. Evers. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons. Mr. Hoefle and Council President Ms. DePledge were absent and excused.
Those attending from the Administration were Police Chief Reik, City Engineer Gwydir, Finance Director Schindel and Law Director Klammer. Mayor Morley, Fire Chief Whittington, CBO Menn and Service Director Rubertino were absent and excused.
Mr. Evers: If there is anyone privately recording this meeting as courtesy to the public will you please identify yourself so that the fellow attendees know that they are being recorded. Seeing none this meeting is being recorded by the City of Eastlake.
There is no Legislation Proposed
There is no Legislation Pending.
Ordinance: To adopt the current replacement pages of the Codified Ordinances for August 2017.
Mr. Evers: This is a housekeeping issue and it is an update.
At this time Law Director Klammer has joined the meeting.
Mr. Evers: We will need a Motion to add it to this evening’s agenda and it will be Legislation No.: 09-26-(01).
Resolution: Granting permission to expend funds for the replacement of the WPCC main waterline.
Mr. Evers: Mr. Gwydir could you elaborate on this a little bit for us?
Mr. Gwydir: Yes Mr. Evers thank you. The current waterline runs off of Lakeshore Blvd. by the restaurant and across the CEI property. It crosses the trailer parker property and it goes under a creek and into the WPCC. It is approximately sixty years old. The line sprung numerous leaks both under the creek and in different places. And the trailer park is tapped into it. The line needs to be replaced and the WPCC is requesting funds to run it off of their driveway and through their property and directly onto the site of the plant. The engineer’s estimate for that is approximately $185,000.00.
Mr. Evers: We will need a Motion to add it to this evening’s agenda and it will be Legislation No.: 09-26-(02).
Ordinance: To reappropriate for the expenses beginning on January 1, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2017.
Mr. Evers: Ms. Schindel?
Ms. Schindel: Thank you. The Trust Funds as I have mentioned in the past are not our funds so therefor if we get money in…and we are getting a lot because of construction this year. And we need to be able to return them. So this is just too hopefully match the revenue that is coming in. And hopefully I don’t have to do this again, but I can’t guarantee that. The State Grants we get…grants…and there is one grant that we get in particular and it is about $1,700.00. We get it quarterly and I need to be able to expend those funds quarterly. So we’ve actually increased expenses for that amount of funds. And the rest is in allocation…it is an allocation between personnel and general expenses. Then Recreation and Parks; again it is just a reallocation between personnel services and other expenses.
Mr. Evers: We will need a Motion to add it to this evening’s agenda and it will be Legislation No.: 09-26-(03).
Resolution: To accept and enter into a contract for the receipt of Lake County Senior Levy Funds.
Mr. Evers: Ms. Schindel?
Ms. Schindel: The Senior Levy…and it is up for renewal in November. They have traditionally allocated out a portion of those funds to all of the Senior Center’s. I would like to be able to accept funds this year if they are willing to send them to the Eastlake Senior Center. I don’t know for certain exactly how much…it is usually about $80,000.00. Of course it depends on whether or not the levy passed and it depends on if there are any other changes that they wish to make. It’s my hope that we will get approximately $80,000.00 to expend in the year 2018.
Mr. Evers: We will need a Motion to add it to this evening’s agenda and it will be Legislation No.: 09-26-(04). I would like to make a comment that this is a levy for the county and not for the city.
Ms. Schindel: Yes.
Resolution: To enter into a contract with the State of Ohio Auditor for Compilation Services.
Mr. Evers: Ms. Schindel?
Ms. Schindel: Thank you. Traditionally we have…is the Auditor of State to do our year end accounting to make sure that we comply with all of the GASPY footnotes and fancy little things that are needed in an annual report. They come through and they do an excellent job for us and they work very well with us and they meet all of our deadlines. I would like to be able to have a three year contract with them as we have had in the past. They actually have quoted the same exact fee for the next three year at $15,000.00 per year as what we had paid in the last three years. I was really pleased to see that they have not raised their accounting fees. The other thing to note is that they are much cheaper in using them than any other accounting firm, because the State does subsidize them. So why not take advantage of that.
Mr. Evers: We will need a Motion to add it to this evening’s agenda and it will be Legislation No.: 09-26-(05).
Resolution: Approving the admission of the Municipality of Beachwood as a new member of NORMA Self-Insurance Inc.
Mr. Evers: Ms. Schindel?
Ms. Schindel: The City of Eastlake is part of a consortium and it is called NORMA. That is how we buy our insurance through them. The City of Beachwood came along this year and said “hey you know maybe we think that this is a pretty good idea.” And they think that they can save money and it would save us about $2,000.00. It’s not a big amount in terms of what we pay for insurance, but every dollar helps. So by bringing them in the anticipation is that it would lower our fees, because they are sharing in the risk. All of the cities that are apart of NORMA have been asked to go to Council and ask for your vote.
Mr. Evers: We will need a Motion to add it to this evening’s agenda and it will be Legislation No.: 09-26-(06).
There were no further questions or comments.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
APPROVED: ____________________
DATE: __________________