Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting Minutes from September 12, 2017








SEPTEMBER 12, 2017


Council President Ms. DePledge opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.




Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Zuren, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton, Mr. Evers, Mr. Hoefle and Council President Ms. DePledge. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons.


Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, CBO Menn, City Engineer Gwydir, Finance Director Schindel and Law Director Klammer.  Fire Chief Whittington, Police Chief Reik and Service Director Rubertino were absent and excused. 


Ms. DePledge: If there is anyone privately recording this meeting as courtesy to the public will you please identify yourself so that the fellow attendees know that they are being recorded.  Seeing none this meeting is being recorded by the City of Eastlake.



There was no Legislation Proposed.

There were no further questions or comments.



There was no Legislation Pending.

There were no further questions or comments.


Resolution: Authorizing the City of Eastlake to Proceed with the Demolition of Unsafe Structures located at 523 Campers Drive, Eastlake, Ohio.


Resolution: Authorizing the City of Eastlake to Proceed with the Demolition of Unsafe Structures located at 1340 East 340th Street, Eastlake, Ohio.

Ms. DePledge: Mr. Menn did you want to discuss these at all?

Mr. Menn: These are two items that we as the Building Department would like to see get demolished.  The first one is a house and the second one is a garage.  The garage has been in bad condition for quite a while.  Actually after our last letter to them there is now a dumpster on site and the garage has been cleared away.  I am hoping that they will possibly demolish it themselves.  But if not I want to go through the process for both of these and it will be through the land bank if we get to that point.

Ordinance: authorizing the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to Richard Lancaster to build an Accessory Building.

Ms. DePledge: Mr. Menn?

Mr. Menn: This gentlemen lives on Roberts Road, which is actually an S-1 District.  And according to our ordinance in an S-1 District an Accessory Building over 750 square feet have to come in front of Council.  He does have a couple of accessory buildings on his property now, but he also has a very large property.  I was out there and I have given you a map…a location of where it sits.  From a building stand point I have no issues with the structure and I don’t see how it would affect anybody else around him.  I do not have an issue with it.

Resolution: Certifying that there are unpaid bills owed to the City of Eastlake.

Resolution: Accepting the amounts and rates determined by the Budget Commission.

Ordinance: To reappropriate for the expenses beginning on January 1, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2017.

Ms. DePledge: Ms. Schindel?

Ms. Schindel: Thank you.  The unpaid bills are what the County collects on our behalf.  They have a listing and they have now asked since they are past due at a very long time now for some of these and that they be allowed to attach them to the property tax bills.  That is for the unpaid bills.  Accepting the rates and amounts determined by the Budget Commission that will be our levy funds that will be receding into 2018.  They have given us the dollar amounts, so that is accepting what they have provided us there and the details are included.  Then to re-appropriated for expenses there are three different line items that we need to do some work with.  The Special Revenue Funds is Stormwater Management…anything that we do there we get reimbursed from the County.  So we are just asking for additional funds to expend, because the County is going to reimburse us.  A lot of that was the televising on the Glenn, Bertha, Iris, Freed project.  There was a lot of work done there that we are going to ask for reimbursement from the County.  The General Fund is for the Fire Department, when we got the extension on the Safer Grant.  The contract that we had with the Fire Department stated that they would get additional uniform funds and so we are increasing the budget on that line item for $14,400.00.  The Trust Fund again those are just deposits.  What we have received in…Mr. Menn’s department has been swamped with deposits.  Well some of those deposits really need to go back this year and therefor not knowing how much we were getting in I put in an estimate.  But we are getting more in and therefor we will have more deposits to return.  So those line items are going to be a wash.

Resolution: To enter into a Settlement Agreement for Fatur v. City of Eastlake.

Ms. DePledge: Mr. Klammer?

Mr. Klammer: If there are any other questions other than what we have discussed in Executive Session I would be happy to answer them.

Ms. DePledge: All of these items will be added to this evenings agenda as 09-12-(01) to 09-12-(07).

There were no further questions or comments.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.



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