Council-As-A-Whole committee Meeting Minutes from December 19, 2017




DECEMBER 19, 2017

7:00 P.M.

Ms. DePledge opened the meeting at 7:03 p.m.


Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Zuren, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton, Mr. Evers, Mr. Hoefle and Council President Ms. DePledge. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons.

Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Fire Chief Whittington, Police Chief Reik, CBO Menn, Service Director Rubertino, City Engineer Gwydir, Finance Director Schindel and Law Director Klammer.

Ms. DePledge: If there is anyone privately recording this meeting as courtesy to the public will you please identify yourself so that the fellow attendees know that they are being recorded.  Seeing none this meeting is being recorded by the City of Eastlake.


There was no Legislation Proposed.

There were no questions at this time.


Ms. DePledge: At our last Meeting we suspended the rules for two items, so there are two items under Legislation Pending.  However, we did not adopt them and they are items 12-12-(01) and12-12-(06).  They were both discussed in Council-As-A-Whole last week.  And they will be added to this evening’s agenda to be adopted.


12-19-(01): Ordinance: To re-appropriate for the expenses beginning on January 1, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2017.

Ms. DePledge: I will now turn it over to our Finance Director Schindel.

Ms. Schindel: This is just a change within the Police Department’s cost centers.  It is to take $10,000.00 out of the Police Station Building and put it into the Police/Law Enforcement.

12-19-(02): Ordinance: To enter into an agreement with the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 2860, the AFLCIO for the contract period of 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Ms. DePledge: Mayor did you want to address that?

Mayor Morley: Items two and three are agreements with the City and the Fire Union that we discussed in Executive Session and AFSME.  Both Unions have ratified their agreements, so we just need the ratification of the City Council for those to go into effect.

12-19-(04): Ordinance: Amending Chapter 184 “Income Tax-2016 Tax Year and Later”

Ms. DePledge: Ms. Schindel?

Ms. Schindel: These changes were brought to us by R.I.T.A., because of the Ohio Revised Code changes that were made in the budget back in June that we were required to include and adopt.  So R.I.T.A. had put forth changes and that’s all that’s in here.

There were no questions at this time.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.


APPROVED:  ____________________

DATE: __________________

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