Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting Minutes from August 23, 2016
AUGUST 23, 2016
Council President Ms. DePledge opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Zuren, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton, Mr. Evers, Mr. Hoefle and Council President Ms. DePledge. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons.
Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Fire Chief Whittington, Police Chief Reik, CBO Menn, Service Director Rubertino, City Engineer Gwydir, Finance Director Schindel and Law Director Klammer.
Ms. DePledge: If anyone is recording this meeting as courtesy to the public will you please identify yourself so that the fellow attendees know that it is being recorded.
Kristi Garabrandt from The News-Herald
Angelo Trivisonno
Ms. DePledge: Welcome back everybody and I hope that everybody enjoyed their break. Council is ready to get back to work.
08-23-(01): A Resolution to make a payment to the estate of Mr. Slocum for unused vacation time.
Ms. DePledge: Mr. Klammer?
Mr. Klammer: We discussed this in the committee meeting. There were some calculations that I needed a final pay out that Mr. Slocum thought was due to him. There was an ongoing dialog back and forth with Mr. Slocum. Mrs. Schindel and I went through the ordinances and sadly they are not always perfect to apply. In Mr. Slocum’s situation it was a little more unique in a sense that he went to a four hour work week and he didn’t end up taking a lot of his vacation time. We ended up finding a compromise and being since the payout with this final unused payment to Mr. Slocum. His widow at this point will have to figure out how to process that. The conflict with Mrs. Schindel is and I don’t believe that there are any employee’s left that the same complication would arise. I think that going forward it should be smooth but these things happen.
08-23-(02): An Ordinance to amend Section 184.06 (A) “Credit for Tax Paid to Other Municipalities” of the Codified Ordinances.
Ms. DePledge: This was discussed in the Finance Committee Meeting prior to our break. Since that time there has been discussion among some of the Council Members. We are going to pull it from this evenings agenda and put it in Finance Committee for further discussion.
There were no further questions or comments.
There was no Legislation Pending.
There were no further questions or comments.
Liquor License Permit: From Walgreen Co., d/b/a Walgreens 13058, 35279 Vine Street.
Ms. DePledge: There will be a motion to add this to the agenda later on this evening.
Ordinance: To revise the Codified Ordinances by adopting the current replacement pages.
Ms. DePledge: This will be added as Legislation No.: 08-23-(03).
Resolution: Certifying that there are unpaid bills owed to the City of Eastlake.
Ms. DePledge: This will be added as Legislation No.: 08-23-(04). Mrs. Schindel or Mayor Morley is there anything that you would like to add to this? Currently they are certifying the unpaid bills owed to the City of Eastlake.
Mr. Klammer: For the unpaid….
Mrs. Schindel: We need to give the County this information before the next Council Meeting. I am asking for permission from Council tonight to be authorized to submit those names and certify them. So that they will be placed on the tax duplicate and we will get our money.
Resolution: To enter into an Agreement and to expend funds from the Competitive Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG).
Ms. DePledge: This will be added as Legislation No.: 08-23-(05). Mrs. Schindel?
Mrs. Schindel: We received a grant last year from CDBG and the money has just come in this year or it is in the process of coming in this year. I would like for to be placed on record that we have received the grant and we accept the money and authorization to spend for the purposes of the grant.
There were no further questions or comments.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
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