Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting Minutes from August 22, 2017




AUGUST 22, 2017

Council President Ms. DePledge opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

A Key to the City ceremony was presented to Summer, Hunter, and Destiny at this time.


Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Zuren, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton, Mr. Evers, Mr. Hoefle and Council President Ms. DePledge. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons.

Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Police Chief Reik, CBO Menn, Service Director Rubertino, City Engineer Gwydir, Finance Director Schindel and Law Director Klammer.  Fire Chief Whittington was absent and excused. 

Ms. DePledge: If there is anyone privately recording this meeting as courtesy to the public will you please identify yourself so that the fellow attendees know that they are being recorded.  Seeing none this meeting is being recorded by the City of Eastlake.


There was no Legislation Proposed.

There were no further questions or comments.


There was no Legislation Pending.

There were no further questions or comments.


  1. Liquor License Permit: To TR & TG Entertainment LLC, d/b/a North Coast Cafe at 34516 Lakeshore Blvd. & Patio, Eastlake, OH.

Ms. DePledge: Mr. Menn did you want to discuss this at all?

Mr. Menn: This is a thing that our state liquor license…or people have to do.  I got a call from them the other day and there are no issues.

Ms. DePledge: We have no objections from the Police Department either so we will need a Motion to add it to this evening’s agenda.

  1. Ordinance: Amending Section 939.26 “Sewer Service Charges” specifically Section 939.26 (d) (3) “Surcharges”.

    Ms. DePledge: Mr. Gwydir?

    Mr. Gwydir: This is just a yearly housekeeping item from the WPCC to adjust the cost of their charge for extra strength waste that comes into the plant.  We do this every year we adjust it up and down and it affects the rates that people discharge heavy waste in addition to normal charges.

  2. Resolution: Adopting a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

    Mayor Morley: It is through the EMA and I had Chief Whittington look at it.  We adopted it before and we just have to re-adopt.  I had the Chief take a look at it and we are good.  I talked to Mr. Greene from the EMA.

  3. Ordinance: To reappropriate for the expenses beginning on January 1, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2017.

    Ms. DePledge: Ms. Schindel?

    Ms. Schindel: The fund that we are most affecting, because the other ones are awash in and out.  The fund that we are affecting is the Special Revenue Fund, because we have a Safer Grant for the firemen and it was set to expire on July 31st.  We received an extension of that grant.  The best estimate is about $93,500.00 will come in this year and then maybe another $107,000.00 will come in next year.  It is based on a reimbursement, so therefore if they work overtime then the overtime will be reimbursed.  If they have hospitalization then the hospitalization gets reimbursed.  So I am doing my best to estimate for those seven months…of five months of this year.  Therefore that is what this asks is for and that is to make sure that the Special Revenue Funds, where the money is going to come in, will be sufficient to cover those expenses.

  4. Resolution: To enter into an agreement to exchange properties with the Chagrin Harbor Association.

Mayor Morley: That has to do…and I will let Mr. Gwydir and the Law Director talk about it…with the Stormwater that we are doing for the Galalina Pump Station Area that is down there.  One of our properties is we are going to flip flop them and give them the property that we have and they are going to give us the property that is better for the easements and everything.  I will let Mr. Gwydir go into detail about that and the Law Director wrote up the agreement with the Harbor and they are good with it.

Mr. Gwydir: Just very briefly the footprint of the new Stormwater Pump Station out in Galalina is going to take some of the Chagrin Harbor Associations property.  Both as a temporary easement and a permanent easement, because of the generator size of the Pump Station on the lake and this is an easement of the property being traded or swapped. 

Mr. Klammer: We are going to take over a portion of their property.  They brought it to our attention and we have the portion down the street that we use to dredge the river.  They raised the question of the option to just trade the properties.  It seems to make sense, because we would be taking over all of theirs basically for the facility anyways.  We would reserve the right for us to get across their property to get over and dredge as we need it.  It seemed to make sense and if I remember correctly the valuations were about the same.

Mayor Morley: They just wanted to make sure that since it would be their property that we still go and take care of the dike, which Mr. Rubertino knows it’s there.  That would be part of their property and that is the agreement for us to go in, because we do the dike now because it is our property.

  1. Conditional Use Permit: For a free movie night to the City of Eastlake.

Ms. DePledge: Mr. Menn or Mayor Morley did you want to address this?

Mayor Morley: If we could go back to number five.

Ms. DePledge: You want to talk about number five?

Mayor Morley: We didn’t talk about it with the Chagrin Harbor.

Ms. DePledge: Did I skip it?  I am a little out of practice.

Mayor Morley: No you’re fine I just wanted to make sure.

Ms. DePledge: I don’t want to miss anything. (Go to number five.)

Now back to number six.

Ms. DePledge: Mr. Menn?

Mr. Menn: The ECDC is planning on doing a movie night at the old Wal-Mart.  It is going to be like the old time drive-in and I am sure that Councilman will speak on this later.  Because this is in an outdoor event in a B-1 district and talking with our Law Director a Conditional Use Permit would be needed.

Mr. Klammer: What we did is to try and keep it moving Mr. Zuren has met with Fire and the Directors to try and make sure that everything is in place.  Instead of requiring a typical Conditional Use Permit would go to the Planning Commission then schedule another meeting…we were on break we were trying to move it forward.  So what we are going to do here is we are just going to pre-authorize it that so long as the Planning Commission approves the CUP.  Upon whatever conditions the Planning Commission approves you guys are approving it anyways.  We’ve candidly been streamlining the CUP process anyways.  I’m not sure this makes a lot of sense…you guys would just be seeing it after.  You are just seeing it a step forward to keep the project moving along.  I’ve had some issue…I shouldn’t say issues…I’ve raised some questions about safety.  My biggest concern is if we’re going to use a unique procedure I just want to make sure that it is safe.  I think that he has done everything his group can to make sure it’s going to be a safe project.  We are really just trying to make it move a little faster and smoother.

Ms. DePledge: And the Planning Commission will review all of that as well.

Mr. Klammer: I think the Planning Commission is seeing it this week right Mr. Menn?

Mr. Menn: Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Klammer: If we weren’t on break the Planning Commission would have heard it already.

Ms. DePledge: So if there are any issues we can always schedule a meeting next Tuesday if we need to.

Mr. Klammer: You can I mean the Planning…if  you have any concerns that you would like the Planning Commission to add as a condition you can communicate those to the Mayor and he can communicate it to the Planning Commission.  And they can add those as a condition.

  1. Resolution: To repair and replace the city’s communication systems.

Mayor Morley: We could both talk about it.  As you know a couple of weeks ago the Police Department and City Hall were hit by lightning.  All of our communication services….our 911 has been down for two weeks.  All of our 911 calls go through Willoughby.  As we go we are finding out…that Friday night we were here till ten or eleven o’clock at night…Saturday Ms. Schindel and the Chief’s and everyone was together.  The last couple of weeks I feel bad for Ms. Schindel and working with the Chief’s and us trying to meet to get some numbers, but again all of the phone systems in City Hall are up.  But we have no voice mail, no auto attendant anymore for people who are calling in, so everything is going through Mr. Kolk in the Finance Department.  Like I said the 911 system is down and the phone systems are all down.  Ms. Schindel will explain what we have been doing and we just need to get it all repaired.  We are working with the insurance company to give them quotes and hopefully they will pay for the bulk of the repairs, because it is a few hundreds of thousands of dollars from what we are looking at right now.  Ms. Schindel?

Ms. Schindel: In addition to the phones the faxes aren’t working.  Well that may not sound important the faxes are used, because the HIPA compliant means of communication.  We use those faxes a lot, so those are not working.  The basics are working like the phone will ring.  We cannot communicate between buildings without literally calling the whole phone number for each other.  Some places their phones are not fully programmed so they have problems trying to figure out how to transfer it.  Yet the guys have put in more than forty hours to get it to this point.  That was August 4th that the lightning struck.  The repair cost to date just to get things up to basic operational purposes has been almost $10,000.00.  I’ve received a couple of quotes for 911 and I only have one quote for dispatch, but it is a company that is highly regarded.  I have some for phones.  It looks like the earliest without going out to bid that we can get the 911 and dispatch up is approximately three weeks.  It would cost about $260,000.00 and it does have an extended warranty for five years.  The person who quoted…this is the combination set…the person that quoted the warranty for five years did it, because it also gives us the ability to finance if we need based on what the insurance comes in at.  The phone systems we would have approximately thirty days for the entire project to be completed.  That is about $170,000.00 for the system to match the current system features.  I understand that there may be other ways to do this but this is what it would cost to get us whole as to where we were.  Our server went down last week on Monday and the gentleman was here until sometime after five o’clock p.m. on Friday.  We stayed late many nights and it went back down again on Monday.  We are not sure if we should blame this on lightning or not, but it is a hardware issue.  The quote for the server will be $12,000.00 to $20,000.00…today I just received all of these quotes and I was able to compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges this morning.  I looked at the Chief and I said can you explain any of this…earlier this morning, but now have comparable information upon which to make some decisions.  But tomorrow provided that the server is working I will start reaching out to the insurance company with the additional information.  They have received the basics, but they don’t have as much as you have today.  All they know is that it went down and yes they saw it on the news and they are aware that we had problems.  They know that it is going to be a big number and that is all that they were told.  But I know have specifics for them.

Ms. DePledge: Mr. Klammer?

Mr. Klammer: In everything that Ms. Schindel did is important obviously in case the city would have to write the check out of pocket.  But she also needs to get of these quotes to give to the insurance company so that they can start to adjust the claim to determine what they are going to pay anyways.  We don’t know yet how much of the claim is going to be covered.  If the whole $430,000.00 or whatever it is, is covered then that’s great.  Otherwise we need to be prepared to somehow adjust the budget to come up with the difference on what they are not going to give us.  So that process that she has been going through has been two fold.  The legislation that you have is exempting it from competitively bidding as a present emergency for one of the utilities, including the 911 system, which I think that we all understand why we need to get that back up and running.

Ms. Schindel: That saves us a good two months in time.

Ms. DePledge: Does anyone from Council have any questions regarding the miscellaneous items on the agenda this evening?  Seeing none those items will be added with item 2-7 will be added respectably as 08-22-(01) thru 08-22-(06).

There were no further questions or comments.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.


APPROVED:  ____________________

DATE: __________________

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