Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting Minutes from April 10, 2018

APRIL 10, 2018
7:00 P.M.

Mr. Meyers opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton, Mr. Evers, Mr. Overstreet, Mr. Zuren and Council President Mr. Meyers. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons. Mr. Hoefle was absent and excused.

Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Fire Chief Whittington, Police Chief Reik, CBO Menn, Service Director Rubertino, City Engineer Gwydir, Finance Director Schindel and Law Director Klammer.

Mr. Meyers: If there is anyone privately recording this meeting as courtesy to the public will you please identify yourself so that the fellow attendees know that they are being recorded.

Seeing none this meeting is being recorded by the City of Eastlake.

There was no Legislation Proposed.

There were no questions at this time.

LEGISLATION PENDING: (Placed on First Reading on 03/27/2018)
1. 03-27-(01): An Ordinance for a Conditional Use Permit for Internet Sales of Personal Defense Products to Daniel Brothers d/b/a Covert Tactical.
Mr. Meyers: This was placed on First Reading on 03/27/2018.

2. 03-27-(02): An Ordinance Amending the Conditional Use Permit to Kevin Jackson d/b/a Action Automotive.
Mr. Meyers: This was placed on First Reading on 03/27/2018.

3. 03-27-(03): An Ordinance for a Conditional Use Permit o Wanda M. Randolph d/b/a Oakwood Deaf Community Church.
Mr. Meyers: This was placed on First Reading on 03/27/2018.

There were no questions at this time.

1. Resolution: Purchase Agreement for the purchase of 16.0952 acres for the City of Willoughby located on Erie Road.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(01). Mayor Morley?

Mayor Morley: We discussed this before and it is the agreement with Willoughby and they passed the legislation and we are buying land from Willoughby for a dollar, so that we can do some improvements down at Erie Road Park.

2. Ordinance: Amending Section 939.26 “Sewer Service Charges,” specifically Section 939.26 (d) (3).
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(02). Mr. Gwydir would you like to comment on this?

Mr. Gwydir: Thank you Mr. President this is just a housekeeping item. Every year the city changes the surcharge for extra strength waste going into the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

3. Resolution: To enter into a contract with Pat Flowers Inc. for Pavement Lane Markings.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(03).

Ms. Schindel: We put these four items out for bid and these are the lowest and best prices. All four items are standard housekeeping and we either do them every year or every other year depending on the type of product. So this year we put out these four items.

4. Resolution: To enter into a contract with Karvo Companies for Profiling & Grinding.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(04).

5. Resolution: To enter into a contract with Osborne Concrete & Stone, Inc. for Stone & Slag Aggregate Products.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(05).

6. Resolution: To enter into a contract with Osborne Concrete & Stone for Asphalt Products.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(06).

7. Resolution: To purchase a 2017 MACK GU712 chassis for the City of Eastlake Service Department.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(07).

8. Resolution: To purchase a truck body from Concord Road Equipment, Mfg. for the City of Eastlake Service Department.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(08). Mr. Rubertino would you like to comment on these?

Mr. Rubertino: First of all thank you in advance…this is an eight ton truck that we are going to add to our fleet to help elevate some of the problems that we are having with the older vehicles that we have in stock. The cab and chassis come separate and the body has to be built to fit that cab and chassis. As it stands today if we go forward with it we are looking at probably at October or November at the earliest that we would be able to get this in our hands. It could possibly take longer than that. Unfortunately this time of year everybody’s passing budgets and their budgets are going through the same things with all of the cities and their biggest load comes at this time of the year. I am just looking to improve the fleet that we have to help us keep the roads clear.

Mr. Meyers: Ms. Schindel?

Ms. Schindel: Both of these were included in the budget and they are both at State minimum bid or lower, so we have accounted for that.

9. Ordinance: To reappropriate the expenses for the period beginning January 1, 2018 and ending on December 31, 2018.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(09).

Ms. Schindel: Thank you and this is to change the donation fund. What we found is that we’ve had an overwhelming response to the K-9 Unit and we did not budget in the original budget enough expenses to cover the monies coming in. This is really just to adjust that fund.

10. Resolution: To accept a grant from the Cleveland Foundation for permeable pavement and streamline at Erie Road Park.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(10).

11. Resolution: To enter into an agreement with the lake County Ohio Port Authority and Economic Development Authority.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(11). Mayor Morley would you like to comment on these?

Mayor Morley: That is a grant that we received from the Lake County Port Authority that the Commissioners passed on putting in an ADA ramp for kayaking at the Erie Road Park for $27,000.00.

12. Resolution: To enter into an agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Labor Council, Inc. for the contract of 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(12). Chief Reik would you like to comment on this?

Chief Reik: We just went over all of the labor agreements and I appreciate the work that the city did as well as the understanding of Council and everything else, but as always I am open for questions and I try to be as transparent as possible.

Mayor Morley: These are the contracts for the Dispatchers’, Civilian Group, Patrolmen, Sergeants, and Lieutenants, so it is four separate agreements.

13. Resolution: To enter into a contract with the Ohio Department of Transportation for Sodium Chloride/Rock Salt.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(13).

14. Resolution: To file and application with the Lake County Planning Commission through the Competitive Community Development Block Grant Program for Vine Street Revitalization.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(14).

15. Resolution: To file and application with the Lake County Planning Commission through the Competitive Community Development Block Grant Program for the Skate Park.
Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 04-10-(15). Mayor Morley would you like to comment on these?

Mayor Morley: On both of these we did talk about before that we thought about maybe trying to do Surf Side Splash Park and seeing that the Block Grants are through a HUD Program we don’t believe that will end up being feasible for us to get the grant. We did talk about the Vine Street Corridor and we’ve been talking about that so Engineer Gwydir is going to be getting me some numbers so we can plan on handing that to the Commissioners. From what I am gathering this year the theme that I’m hearing is that the Commissioner’s are going to give grants out to are more for economic development. So obviously with Vine Street if we could clean that up it will help us economically for that. The Skate Park we just threw a second on in and we tried for the Skate Park last year and we were denied. I know that we’ve been working with the schools and that, but if we could get some money from there that could put us over the top or put a little more enhancements in there if we would get that.

There were no questions at this time.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.


APPROVED: ____________________

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