COUNCIL AS A WHOLE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY DECEMBER 17, 2013 ATTENDEES Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Licht, Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Hoefle, Mr. D’Ambrosio and Council President Mr. Morley. Ms. Vaughn was absent and excused. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Cendroski. Attending and in the audience was Councilman-at-Large Elect Mr. Evers. Those attending from the Administration were Law Director Klammer, Assistant Finance Director Vuckovich, City Engineer Gwydir and Fire Chief Whittington. Police Chief Reik was absent and excused. Mayor Andrzejewski, Finance Director Slocum and Service Director Semik were on vacation. CBO McReynolds was absent. LEGISLATION PROPOSED: 12-17-(01): RE-APPROPRIATIONS: JANUARY 1, 2013-DECEMBER 31, 2013 Mr. Morley: Mr. Vuckovich? Mr. Vuckovich: We have about one half dozen re-appropriations we need taken care of. There are reductions shown on the legislation. If you have any questions I will be more than happy to answer them. Mr. Morley: We did discuss this and are aware of the changes. There were no further questions or comments. 12-17-(02): AGREEMENT: CITY OF EASTLAKE & TAC COMPUTER, INC.: POLICE DEPARTMENT COMPUTER SERVICES: $19,677.00 Mr. Morley: This was discussed in the December 10, 2013 Council-as-a-Whole Committee under Miscellaneous. This is for the computer update contract for the Police Department. There were no questions or comments. LEGISLATION PENDING: (Placed on First Reading 12/10/2013) 12-10-(01): TEMPORARY APPROPRIATIONS: JANUARY 1, 2014 – DECEMBER 31, 2014 Mr. Morley: Mr. Vuckovich? Mr. Vuckovich: We need to re-appropriate for the first three months of 2014 so we can stay in business next year. Mr. Morley: These temporary appropriations are for the first three months until we get a full budget approved in March, 2014. There were no further comments. LEGISLATION PENDING: There was no Legislation Pending. MISCELLANEOUS: There was no Miscellaneous. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:02 p.m. dac APPROVED: ________________ DATE: __________________

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