Council President Mr. D’Ambrosio opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.



Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Licht, Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Mr. Evers, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Hoefle, Ms. Vaughn and Council President Mr. D’Ambrosio. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Cendroski.

Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Law Director Klammer, Finance Director Slocum, Service Director Rubertino, CBO Menn, City Engineer Gwydir, Police Chief Reik and Fire Chief Whittington.  


Mr. D’Ambrosio: Included with our Directors is our new CBO Dave Menn. We appointed Mr. Menn on July 8th. Mr. Menn would you like say anything about yourself – where you come from?

Mr. Menn: I spent 15 years in University Heights and decided to make a change and was lucky enough to get hired here. I would like to thank everyone for making me feel so welcome including all the Departments and staff. I look forward to a long relationship.

Mr. Licht: I had a few words I wanted to say about Dave. For those of you that don’t know, I’ve known CBO Menn for over 25 years (actually, it will be 30 next year). I wanted to take a moment to talk about what Dave has done for and meant to me, so the residents of Eastlake know what type of person they are getting as their new CBO.

My Mom and Dad were divorced when I was 5 years old and although I continued to see my father on and off for the next couple years, I struggled not having that constant male figure in my day to day life. Between the age of 7 & 8 the sporadic visits from my father became even more infrequent. My Mom did her best to keep me busy by getting me involved in sports and other activities…while also raising my sister and caring for her mother. She did all this while working a full time job to support us. Thank you, Mom. By the time I was 10 years old, the visits from our father had stopped completely. Wrongfully, I started lashing out at my family, taking my anger I had towards my dad out on them. Playing sports helped minimize my frustration, but there was still something missing. To my Mom’s credit, she too must have noticed this and made a decision that changed my life forever.

She contacted an organization called Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and filled out an application to try and match me with someone who had the same passions, the main one being sports. In 1985, I was introduced to Dave who had volunteered to be a part of the Big Brother and Big Sister organization.

From the start it was evident we both loved sports. He took me bowling, to Tribe & Browns games and was there for me when I needed to talk…about anything. Through the years, even as Dave and his wife Teri were starting a family of their own, he still made a point to make time for me. I watched him raise and coach all 3 of his kids. He not only became a role model and someone I looked up to, he also became the father figure that I desperately needed. He taught me right from wrong, how to respect others, and how to give back to a community. He was the best man in my wedding, he and his wife are godparents to my 1st child and he and his family are a huge part of my family still today.

In closing, I just want the residents of Eastlake to know that they have truly gained a highly respected man with impeccable integrity. He lives in Willoughby, but has been a part of the Eastlake community for the past 5 years.   That is when I started coaching my kids in youth sports, basketball, baseball and soccer, guess who’s been by my side helping out in every sport I coach. That’s right…my Big Brother and new CBO Dave Menn. Thank you, Dave. It is an honor and privilege to have a chance to serve on City Council while you are the CBO. I know you will do your best to make the right decisions in your new role to help move the City of Eastlake in the right direction. Congratulations.



08-26-(01): Contract: Eastlake Senior Center Lighting Upgrade: Zenith Systems, LLC: $15,452.00

08-26-(02): Contract: Pumps/North & South Riverview, Farragot Drive, West Island Drive: Buckeye Pumps, Inc.: $65,378.00

08-26-(03): Towable Generator W/Trailer: Generator Connection: $18,350.70

08-26-(04): Re-Appropriation: January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014

08-26-(05): Tax Incentive Grant: The Kilroy Company dba Trust Technologies, Inc.

08-26-(06): Conditional Use Permit: Community Bus Services, Inc., 34929 Curtis Blvd., Eastlake

08-26-(07): Resolution to Proceed: Demolition of Unsafe Structures

08-26-(08): Contract: 2014 Asphalt Pavement Repair Program: Chagrin Valley Paving, Inc.: $272,951.00

Mr. D’Ambrosio: Legislation No’s. 08-26-(01) through 08-26-(08) were all discussed in the Finance Committee meeting held on August 19th. Ms. Vaughn?

Ms. Vaughn: All members of Council were present except for one and we had a lengthy agenda which we covered in a relatively short period of time. The meeting included a contract for the Eastlake Senior Center lighting upgrades with Zenith Systems, Inc. This expenditure is included in the budget and was recommended to move forward to tonight’s agenda. There was a contract for pumps for North and South Riverview, Farragut and West Island Drives from Buckeye Pumps. Again, this expense was budgeted and recommended to move forward. There was a contract for a towable generator and trailer with Generator Connector in the amount of $18,350.70 which was budgeted and recommended to move forward. We then discussed the budget briefly. There is not much we can do with the limited funds we have and we are taking a look at any way we can to increase the revenue although we have not come up with anything relevant. We discussed miscellaneous re-appropriations which are in the budget and were recommended to move forward. The good news was a company called The Kilroy Company dba Trust Technologies, Inc. came to us for a tax incentive grant which is something we utilize to try to bring new business into our City. It was approved and will be effective January 1, 2015. They will bring in anywhere from $1.5 million and $2 million payroll – correct, Mr. Slocum?

Mr. Slocum: Yes. Right now they are projecting a payroll of $2.1 million. However, the grant will be based on $1.5 million for five years versus if they had guaranteed $2 million at six years. If they would not make a number one year they would put everything in jeopardy so they felt the safer way to go was to guarantee the $1.5 million for one year less. That is what is included in tonight’s legislation.

Ms. Vaughn: We also recommended approval of a conditional use permit for another new business coming into Eastlake – Community Bus Services which will also be on Curtis Blvd. We also, with the assistance of our CBO, have information on the demolition of several unsafe structures here in Eastlake and there is a resolution on tonight’s agenda to move forward with this procedure.

Ms. DePledge: Ms. Vaughn always does a great job but there are a couple of facts I would like to add. With regards to the Senior Center and the lighting – that is coming out of the Senior Center budget – the funds are not coming out of the General Fund. Also, the company that received the tax incentive intends or has started to do almost $1 million in improvements to the building they are leasing and it is a 10 year lease. So we expect them to be around for a while and have a positive impact on the community.

Ms. Vaughn: I neglected to include our recommendation of approval of Legislation No. 08-26-(08) which is a contract for the 2014 asphalt pavement repair program with Chagrin Valley Paving, Inc. We found it more cost effective to utilize a company to do this instead of tying up all our employees and our equipment since they are so busy trying to put the roads that are in such bad shape everywhere back together. This will help get some work accomplished fast in some badly needed areas.

There were no further questions or comments.


There was no Legislation Pending.


There was no Miscellaneous.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 p.m.



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