Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting Minutes from May 15, 2018




MAY 15, 2018

7:00 P.M.

Mr. Meyers opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.


Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Kasunick, Mr. Spotton, Mr. Evers, Mr. Overstreet, Mr. Zuren and Council President Mr. Meyers. Also attending was Council Clerk Mrs. Simons.  Mr. Hoefle and Mr. Overstreet were absent and excused.

Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Fire Chief Whittington, Police Chief Reik, CBO Menn, City Engineer Gwydir, Finance Director Schindel, and Law Director Klammer.  Service Director Rubertino was absent and excused.

Mr. Meyers: If there is anyone privately recording this meeting as courtesy to the public will you please identify yourself so that the fellow attendees know that they are being recorded. 

Seeing none this meeting is being recorded by the City of Eastlake.


  1. 05-15-(01): Ordinance: Amending Section 1163.07 “Variance Powers” specifically repealing and replacing the entire Section 1163.07.

Mr. Meyers: Is there anyone who would like to talk about this?


  1. 05-15-(02): Ordinance: Amending Section 107.10 “Collateral For City Funds” specifically subsection (a).


  1. 05-15-(03): Ordinance: To establish Fund 801 “Payroll Reserve Fund.”

Mr. Meyers: Ms. Schindel?

Ms. Schindel:  Thank you.  Collateral for City Funds is just to match the city ordinance with the state, in terms of bank collateral required.  The payroll reserve is because every twelve years we have an extra payroll in the operating budget.  That is to spread out the…to make a reserve so that we can put forth one twelfth or one tenth…however many years we have until the next one, set aside so that we can make that payment much more easily in that year.

There were no questions at this time.


There was no Legislation Pending.

There were no questions at this time.


  1. Conditional Use Permit: For a Wellness Veterinary Clinic to Dr. Asim Mahmood d/b/a Lake Erie Pet Clinic.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(04).

  1. Resolution: Approving the Solid Waste Management Plan Update of the Lake County Solid Waste Management District.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(05).

  1. Ordinance: To adopt the current replacement pages of the Codified Ordinances for April 2018.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(06).

  1. Resolution: To accept the Tax Budget for 2019.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(07).

  1. Resolution: To enter into a contract with the Ohio Department of Transportation for Sodium Chloride/Rock Salt.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(08).

  1. Resolution to enter into a contract with Liberty Ford, Inc. for the disposal and trade-in of a 2008 Chevrolet Impala.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(09).

  1. Resolution: To purchase at State Bid cost a 2018 Ford Escape from Liberty Ford, Inc. for the City of Eastlake Service Department.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(10).

  1. Resolution: To purchase at State Bid cost a 2018 F250 4X4 for the City of Eastlake Service Department.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(11).

  1. Resolution: Authorizing the Lake County Auditor to place unpaid bills on the tax duplicator for collection.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(12).

  1. Resolution: Recognizing the broad duty to Affirmative Further Fair Housing in the City of Eastlake, Lake County, Ohio.

Mr. Meyers: This will be Legislation No.: 05-15-(13).  Being that we only have five Council Members tonight is there a Motion from Council to leave everything in Council-As-A-Whole until the next meeting?

 Mr. Evers moved to leave all of the legislation in Council-As-A-Whole until the May 22, 2018 Council-As-A-Whole Committee Meeting.  Mr. Zuren second.

ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.

 Motion carried.

There were no questions at this time.

 The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.





APPROVED:  ____________________



DATE: __________________

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