EASTLAKE CITY COUNCIL


APRIL 14, 2015


The Regular Meeting of the Eastlake City Council was held at Eastlake City Hall, 35150 Lakeshore Boulevard. The Meeting was called to order by Council President

Mr. D’Ambrosio at approximately 7:17 p.m.  


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Members of Council in attendance were Mr. Licht, Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Mr. Evers, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Hoefle, Ms. Vaughn and Council President Mr. D’Ambrosio. Also in attendance was Council Clerk Mrs. Cendroski.


Those attending from the Administration were Mayor Morley, Law Director Klammer, Finance Director Slocum, Service Director Rubertino, CBO Menn, City Engineer Gwydir, Police Chief Reik and Fire Chief Whittington.



Regular Council Meeting– March 24, 2015

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 24, 2015.  Mr. Licht seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas: Ms. Vaughn, Mr. Licht, Mr. Evers, Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins,

                                    Ms. DePledge, Mr. D’Ambrosio

                     Abstain: Mr. Hoefle


Motion carried. The minutes were approved.

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Meetings Scheduled

Mr. D’Ambrosio: The Ward seats in the City – Ward 1, 2, 3 and 4 – are up for election this year in November. I am not going to seek reelection. After this year it will give me 10 years of being on Council with four years as Vice President and two years as President. If anyone in Ward 1 is interested and have any questions call the Board of Elections or if I can help you I will be more than happy to do so.


The next Council-as-a-Whole Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The Regular Council meeting will be convened immediately following the adjournment of the Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting.



A request was received from the Administration regarding an amendment to Article VIII, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Eastlake. This was referred to Ordinance Committee.

Communications were received from the WPCC regarding funding requests as discussed at the W-E WPCC Joint Committee meeting in February.


Mr. D’Ambrosio: As these were already discussed in Committee if there are no objections these will appear on the April 28th Council-as-a-Whole Committee agenda.



Mr. D’Ambrosio: Ordinance and Service/Utilities Committee meetings were held:


                              SERVICE/UTILITIES COMMITTEE – Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Chair

                              Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins: We met March 31st at 6:00 p.m. with Mr. Evers and me in attendance from the Committee. Mr. Licht was absent and excused.   Also in attendance from Council were Mr. Hoefle, Ms. Vaughn, Ms. DePledge and Council President D’Ambrosio. In attendance from the Administration were Mayor Morley, City Engineer Gwydir, Law Director Klammer, Service Director Rubertino and Service Department employee Mr. Mastrocola. Mr. Gwydir, will you please provide the details?


                              Mr. Gwydir: As you are aware the City of Eastlake joined the Lake County Stormwater Utility and based on the fees generated from joining that Utility the City is now able to start to address some of the drainage problems that have existed now for several years. The purpose of the meeting was to develop a road map about how we want to address these problems and the order in which we want to address them. We started off by considering the heart of Eastlake where there is a large drainage area – the area of Bertha, Freed, Grovewood, Glenn and Iris and also along Lakeshore Blvd. We decided the first step would be to take a look at that sewer system and televise and clean it to make sure it is operating properly. It is a step we can take right away. Following that there is another area in the City – Galalina – along river road and the lake that floods on a very regular basis because there are pump stations down there that are undersized to pump the water out of the area. We decided we are going to look at that and take steps to size up pumping stations and get something going there in the next couple of years. Both of those items will take at least two years to bring them to fruition. Following that we are going to look at what is happening with Corporation Creek. Presently the City of Willoughby has completed a master drainage plan. There are several items they have that affect Eastlake directly with drainage and come into Nason Basin and another basin on the far side of the railroad tracks and affect the water that comes into Corporation Creek and affects the City of Eastlake because it affects Edison and Mondamin and the condominiums and the area of Erie and Lakeshore Blvd. As time goes on we will start looking at those. Further ahead there are a number of areas in Eastlake that flood and we will also begin looking at those and spending the money. It was reported at the Committee meeting that while we are starting on the first two items I discussed we will be revisiting this from time to time to see which way we can best spend the funds coming in to achieve the maximum result in the shortest possible time. When I say short time a short time in these instances is months but take full construction seasons, full years to design and get going. I have a road map established and will be reporting back to the Mayor and Council with some more concrete proposals about these exact areas in terms of what it will cost to televise and clean the sewers, what it is going to cost to get the pump stations going in Galalina and what the schedule is. They will be brought to your attention for approval and as things do arise we will notify Council accordingly. As a side note to that Norfolk Southern Railroad on Biedler Road at East 361st Street has a problem with the rail bed being soft because there is a drainage issue along the south side of the rail bed – some in Willoughby and some in Eastlake. We are meeting with a Norfolk Southern representative this Thursday morning to discuss this drainage problem because they may be willing to pony up some funds to help correct the drainage problem which will have an effect on Corporation Creek and what Willoughby is doing and will offset some of the City’s cost for work in those area because right now the trains are going through there at 5 miles per hour and if you have been stuck at those crossings because of the trains going slowly that is the reason. They may be able to chip in as well. We are trying to find money not only from the stormwater funds but also from any other entities that are willing to help. This concludes my comments and I am open for questions.


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: We had a pretty extensive meeting on the stormwater projects and were at the meeting for over one hour – you provided a good highlight of that meeting. It is very interesting. We are going to try to address some of these flooding issues we have. I know there is a dollar amount…


                              Mayor Morley: They are telling us around $680,000 and we are good with $500,000. Mr. Gwydir and I will be meeting with the Watershed in a couple of weeks to discuss a couple of options for other areas.


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: That is $500,000 for just this year.


                              Mayor Morley: Yes – for Eastlake’s use.


                              Mr. Licht: I know when we were collecting our stormwater fund we raised about $40,000 per year – that is a pretty significant bump.


                              Mayor Morley: Previously residents paid $6 per year for the stormwater. We went with the County – most people will not see this unless their house is paid off – but through the County it is $42 per year – $21 for half. I have included this twice in my Gazette article and have received a few calls. It has probably affected the businesses more than residents because they do it by percentage. It cost the City $18,000 to be in the program because they base it on the square footage of impervious pavement. From $40,000 – now they are predicting our take will be about $680,000. That is why we can start some of these projects this year.


                              Ms. DePledge: Mr. Slocum, for the record – these funds do not come out of the General Fund.


                              Mr. Slocum: We do not collect the funds. They are administered by the County.


                              Ms. DePledge: Mr. Gwydir, the area you identified as first needing service was based on resident complaints – is that right?


                              Mr. Gwydir: That is correct.


                              There were no further questions or comments.


                              ORDINANCE COMMITTEE – Mr. Hoefle, Chair

                              Mr. Hoefle: The Ordinance Committee meet on Tuesday, March 31st with all members of the Committee present as well as all members of Council with the exception of Mr. Licht who was absent and excused. In attendance from the Administration were Mayor Morley and Law Director Klammer. We had one item on the agenda – Section 125.13 “Non-Competitive Bid Procedure for the Sale of        Public Real Property Not Needed for Any Public Purpose”.Mayor Morley discussed this in the Council-as-a-Whole Committee meeting. The Committee moved this forward to this evening’s agenda. I am open for questions.


                              There were no questions of Mr. Hoefle.


                              Legislative Recommendations

Legislation No. 04-14-(06)

Mr. Hoefle moved move to add Legislation No. 04-14-(06) to the evening’s agenda amending Section 155.02, “Vacation Pay,” of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Eastlake, specifically subsection “(a)”. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation No. 04-14-(06) is added to the evening’s agenda.


Legislation No. 04-14-(07)

Mr. Hoefle moved to add Legislation No. 04-14-(07) to the evening’s agenda amending Section 155.02 “Vacation Pay,” of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Eastlake, specifically subsection “(f)”. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation No. 04-14-(07) is added to the evening’s agenda.


Legislation No. 04-14-(05)

Ms. Vaughn moved to add Legislation No. 04-14-(05) to the evening’s agenda authorizing and directing the Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Eastlake and the City of Willoughby for the joint use of the City of Eastlake’s Nova Quintech Skyarm Aerial Ladder Truck, Serial No. 457AX429XVC021350. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation No. 04-14-(05) is added to the evening’s agenda.



Legislation No. 04-14-(08)

Mr. Licht moved to add Legislation No. 04-14-(08) regarding an Ordinance Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Bonds in the Maximum Principal Amount of $835,000 for the Purpose of Refunding at a Lower Interest Cost the City’s Outstanding City Hall Refunding Bonds, Series 2005, dated as of April 1, 2005. Ms. Vaughn seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation No. 04-14-(08) is added to the evening’s agenda.


Legislation No. 04-14-(09)

Mr. Licht moved to add Legislation No. 04-14-(09) authorizing and directing the Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a Contract with Osborne Concrete and Stone Co., the lowest and best bidder, for the purchase of Asphalt/Concrete Products as listed for the cost as outlined. Ms. Vaughn seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation No. 04-14-(09) is added to the evening’s agenda.


Legislation No. 04-14-(10)

Mr. Licht moved to add Legislation No. 04-14-(10) authorizing and directing the Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a Contract with Specialized Construction, the lowest and best bidder, for the purchase of Asphalt/Concrete Products as listed for the cost as outlined. Ms. Vaughn seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation No. 04-14-(10) is added to the evening’s agenda.


Legislation No. 04-14-(11)

Mr. Licht moved to add Legislation No. 04-14-(11) to the evening’s agenda authorizing and directing the Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a Contract with Osborne, Inc., the lowest and best bidder, for the purchase of Concrete Products for 2015 with an option year 2016 for the cost as outlined,   as listed for the cost as outlined. Ms. Vaughn seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation No. 04-14-(11) is added to the evening’s agenda.


                              RECOGNITION OF THE PUBLIC

                              Mr. D’Ambrosio recognized the public input at this time; he reminded the speakers that there is a 3-minute limit for their comments; all comments are to be directed to the Chair and not include any personalities or individuals.



                              John Brewer, 37289 Green Drive, Eastlake

                              Mr. Brewer: Why is the sea wall closed?


                              Mr. Rubertino: Presently the sea wall has deteriorated along the actual steel wall next to the lake. Asphalt plants opened yesterday and we have no way to repair that prior to having asphalt available to us. As we get the opportunity and we can address the hazardous condition that is there then we will get to that point. Today, as we speak, if you are going to the sea wall and look you will see 3-4 feet deep holes along the base of the wall. For many reasons with safety being number one the wall will not open until we can get it corrected to where it is safe for everyone to use.


                              Mr. Brewer: It has been that way for quite a while.


                              Mr. Rubertino: Every year that edge erodes. We have no way to control the erosion other than on a yearly basis by making the effort we can. This year it is much worse than it has been – it is an ongoing problem and has been so for many, many years. But, we will address it as soon as we possibly can.


                              Michelle Wittreich, 601 Waverly Road, Eastlake

                              Mrs. Wittreich: I am here on behalf of SOS or Save our Services Eastlake. We have our petitions and are ready to go. I want it on the Council minutes so anyone who reads the minutes will know we are here and are ready and are hoping to make it on the ballot that is coming up.


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: If someone does read the minutes do you want to provide a contact number or how they can reach someone?


                              Mrs. Wittreich: They can contact me. Can I leave my number with the Mayor or Council?


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: Sure, they can contact Council office or the Mayor’s office.


                              Ms. Vaughn: I want to thank Michelle for all the many hours of work she has put into this project and the support she has from the residents is excellent. Keep up the good work. Thanks again.


                              Jean Jermakow, 33845 Willowick Drive, Eastlake

                              Mrs. Jermakow: I want to say how much I love this City. I know I have not been here for a little while – we had some little hiccups. I just wanted to say this is such a team effort I see here and I am so appreciative of that. Mr. D’Ambrosio, I understand why you might be leaving after 10 years of this but we will miss you. Who else is leaving?


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: The terms that are up are Mr. Licht’s, Ms. Vaughn, Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins…


                              Mrs. Jermakow: But they are not leaving – they are running for reelection. The real reason I came up here is because I do not know if anyone was watching the Pothole Patrol. I have see it going over all the cities and I saw the Pothole Patrol in Eastlake and I wanted to say how cool I think it is – #1 – Mr. Rubertino, you did a great job on camera. #2 – the guy said we have already seen all the potholes that were reported and they have been addressed and repaired. I thought that was pretty impressive for a City that does not have any money. Way to go. I think you guys are doing a great job.


                              Bob Spangenberg, 1034 Eastlake Drive, Eastlake

                              Mr. Spangenberg: Mr. D’Ambrosio, I will miss you being our Councilman – I really like you. It gets me thinking but I have so many things going on I do not think I will run this time. You covered the issue of the train going so slow. Another issue – the CSX trains – they seem to be sitting too close to the crossings. I am concerned that may be a safety concern because when you pull up you do not know if another train is coming. Also, a lot of us have dogs – is there an ordinance that you have to pick up behind you dog?


                              Mr. D’Ambrosio: I believe there is.


\                             Mr. Spangenberg: I have caught a couple of my neighbors going behind my fence and I have yelled at them about it. I carry a plastic bag for my two big dogs and it is right they should. How do I report them – do I take a picture of them doing it so I can prove it? I do not want to accuse someone who is not doing it.


                              Ted Beres, 36706 Lakehurst Drive, Eastlake

                              Mr. Beres: Mr. D’Ambrosio, you will be missed. You are an upstanding person who has done an outstanding job. I also wanted to echo some of the things that were said at the last meeting. I, too, am proud to be a resident of Eastlake. We have an Administration and Council that I respect. You have shown you care for this City and you are hard working and committed. I wish every City had the leadership we have here in Eastlake. It is good to see more residents coming out to the Council meetings and it is my hope that more of my fellow residents will open their eyes and see what I see.


                              There was no one else who wished to speak.


LEGISLATION PROPOSED – First number will be 2015-029

                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 04-14-(01)

Requested by:  Administration                       An Ordinance Amending Chapter 125

Sponsored by:  Ordinance Committee            “Department of Finance” of the Codified      Ordinances of the City of Eastlake to                                                                  include new Section 125.13 “Non-                 Competitive Bid Procedure for the Sale of                                Public Real Property Not Needed for Any    Public Purpose”, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-029.

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                                                                        RESOLUTION NO.: 04-14-(02)

Requested by: Administration                       A Resolution supporting and designating April,

Sponsored by: Council                                   2015 as “National Autism Awareness Month”                                                                       in the City of Eastlake, and declaring an                                                                                emergency.

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2015-030.

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            `                                                           RESOLUTION NO.: 04-14-(03)      

Requested by: Administration                       A Resolution recognizing April 22, 2015 as Earth Sponsored by: Council                                    Day in the City of Eastlake to support green                                                                                     economy initiatives and to encourage others to                                                                      undertake similar actions, and declaring an                                                                                 emergency.

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas: Ms. Vaughn, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Licht, Mr. Evers,

                                   Mr. Hoefle, Mr. D’Ambrosio

                         Nay: Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins


MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: ROLL CALL: Yeas: Ms. Vaughn, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Licht, Mr. Evers,

                                   Mr. Hoefle, Mr. D’Ambrosio

                         Nay: Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2015-031.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 04-14-(04)                     Requested by: Clerk of Council                        An Ordinance to revise the Codified Ordinances by Sponsored by: Council                                    adopting current replacement pages, and                                                                               declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Licht seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Evers moved to adopt. Mr. Licht seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-032.

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                                                                        RESOLUTION NO: 04-14-(05)

Requested by: Administration                       A Resolution authorizing and directing the

Sponsored by: Council                                   Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a                                                                       Memorandum of Understanding between the                                                            City of Eastlake and the City of Willoughby for                                                        the joint use of the City of Eastlake’s Nova                                                                           Quintech Skyarm Aerial Ladder Truck, Serial                                                                       No. 457AX429XVC021350, and declaring an                                                                                 emergency.

MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Ms. Vaughn moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2015-033.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 04-14-(06)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending Section 155.02,

Sponsored by: Council                                   “Vacation Pay,” of the Codified Ordinances of

the City of Eastlake, specifically subsection

“(a)”, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-034.

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                                                                        ORDINANCE NO.: 04-14-(07)

Requested by: Administration                       An Ordinance amending Section 155.02

Sponsored by: Council                                    “Vacation Pay,” of the Codified                                                                                            Ordinances of the City of Eastlake,                                                                                       specifically subsection “(f)”, and declaring                                                                            an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Hoefle moved to adopt. Mr. Evers seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-035.

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                                                                          ORDINANCE NO.: 04-14-(08)

Requested by:  Administration                       An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance and Sale

Sponsored by: Council                                   of Bonds in the Maximum Principal Amount of                                                                    $835,000 for the Purpose of Refunding at a                                                                          Lower Interest Cost the City’s Outstanding City                                                                  Hall Refunding Bonds, Series 2005, dated as of

                                                                        April 1, 2005, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Licht moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Licht moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Ordinance No. 2015-036.

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                                                                        RESOLUTION NO.: 04-14-(09)

Requested by: Administration                       A Resolution authorizing and directing the Sponsored by: Council                        Mayor  and Director of Finance to enter into a                                                                       Contract with Osborne Concrete and Stone Co.,                                                                      the lowest and best bidder, for the purchase of                                                                       Asphalt/Concrete Products as listed for the cost                                                                    as outlined, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Licht moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Licht moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2015-037.

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                                                                        RESOLUTION NO.: 04-14-(10)

Requested by: Administration                       A Resolution authorizing and directing the Sponsored by: Council                        Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a                                                                      Contract with Specialized Construction, the                                                                            lowest and best bidder, for the purchase of                                                                             Asphalt/Concrete Products as listed for the cost                                                                    as outlined, and declaring an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Licht moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Licht moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2015-038.

_     _      _       _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _


                                                                        RESOLUTION NO.: 04-14-(11)

Requested by: Administration                       A Resolution authorizing and directing the Sponsored by: Council                        Mayor and Director of Finance to enter into a                                                                      Contract with Osborne, Inc., the lowest and best                                                                     bidder, for the purchase of Concrete Products                                                                  as listed for the cost as outlined, and declaring                                                                     an emergency.

MOTION: Mr. Licht moved to suspend the rules requiring separate readings and

reading in full. Ms. DePledge seconded.

ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


MOTION: Mr. Licht moved to adopt. Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


Motion carried. Legislation is adopted as Resolution No. 2015-039.

_     _     _       _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _



There was no Legislation Pending.



There was no Unfinished Business.



There was no New Business.




Mayor Morley: Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming out. Obviously, tomorrow is the final day for City taxes and your federal and state. Also, there may be an article in the paper tomorrow – tomorrow is the official closing day for First Energy. As most know we were given this information in 2012 that because of EPA requirements First Energy’s plant would be closing. They will still have synchronized condensers which will store all the energy in grids and will go from 100 employees down to 12-15 employees. As we all know it is at least a million dollar impact in revenue for the City. They have not given us any information as to what they plan to do with the plant. The way I look at it is if we get a different Administration in the White House possibly coal fire may come back. This is per the EPA regulations so the plant will be down tomorrow. The Service Department is doing a great job cleaning up the roads and trying to fill all the potholes. The asphalt plants have just opened so we will be trying to do more permanent repairs. The Engineer and Commissioner Moran came out with a representative from NOACA to look at Willowick Drive and we were told that Willowick Drive is not really that bad per NOACA standards. But everyone who is in this room and has been on Willowick Drive knows differently. We did not make the cut to get any help this year and are hoping to score some different points and hopefully get some money for next year. Mr. Gwydir continues to work on other avenues for Willowick Drive. It is the Administrations wish and I believe Council’s that we put most of our money from the road levy into Willowick Drive this year. I thank Commissioner Moran for coming out. The Blvd. of 500 Flags Committee will be putting up the flags on May 2nd so if you are out and about stop in and give the Committee a hand. We will continue to work on the roads and our sewer issues. This concludes my report and I am open for questions.


Ms. Vaughn: Were you going to talk about the YMCA’s free swimming passes for the fifth graders?

Mayor Morley: I do not have all the information. I know they are working on giving the fifth graders some free passes through the YMCA. I also have in my May Gazette article that the YMCA will be giving discounts through May 15th for our pool passes at Jakse. Also, for those new in the audience the pool is being opened by no tax dollars and through one of our businesses, Best Supply, who has donated $15,000 and the YMCA is paying the rest so we can have a pool but there is nothing taken out of the General Fund or tax money. I thank them.


Mr. Licht: What time is the flag raising on May 2nd? And, did NOACA give you an example of a street that is worse than Willowick Drive?


Mayor Morley: 9:00 a.m. NOACA did not give us an example. We were in Mr. Gwydir’s truck and were bouncing all around. I asked what a bad road looked like but we did not make the list and we were dumb founded that we did not make the list.


There were no further questions of Mayor Morley.


FIRE CHIEF – Ted Whittington

Chief Whittington: I thank Council and the Mayor for your support of the ladder truck. I think this is in the best interest of both communities and was a collaboration and something new that usually would not get done. The details have been worked out as to how we are going to do things and I do not see many changes from what we have been doing for the last eight years. I am looking forward to it. I noticed the rail traffic has increased and we are aware what is happening. With the increase in crude oil from shale from North Dakota it actually ends up in the east coast as opposed to Texas as it usually happens. We see in Lake County that the trains get backed up because they are off loading in the Jersey and New York area. There was a time when 55,000 gallons of crude would head to the east coast but now it is in the millions of gallons. The traffic has increased and that is why you may see the rail traffic stopped. The County and fire departments are aware of it and have trained for it and are ahead of the game. This concludes my report and I am open for questions.


There were no questions of Chief Whittington.



Chief Reik: I have nothing to report and am open for questions.


There were no questions of Chief Reik.



CBO Menn: Nice to see green grass out there and hopefully everyone will start cutting their grass. This concludes my report.


There were no questions of Mr. Menn.





                     Mr. Rubertino: On the concrete – we go out for bids to save us money. Prices have been             fluctuating and this secures our price for this year and some of it into next year. The roads          are terrible – we have Willowick Drive swept and with the opening of the asphalt plant we           will start working with the hot box tomorrow and get Willowick Drive caught back up again.           I appreciate the recognition of the Service employees we have and the efforts we are giving           to get the roads and those areas cleaned up. We are concentrating on road areas and our    efforts are to make sure that everyone is comfortable getting down our roads and getting our            sidewalks clean. The seawall is an issue and we are aware of that ongoing problem. This     year it is worse but for us to put stone in there with a temporary fix the first storm with 3-4 feet waves will lose everything we put in. It is an ongoing effort and is a little deeper this             year but we are working to get down there and get it taken care of. I am open for questions.


                     There were no questions of Mr. Rubertino.


                     CITY ENGINEER – Tom Gwydir

Mr. Gwydir: I have given my lengthy report and have nothing further. I am open for questions.


There were no questions of Mr. Gwydir.



Mr. Slocum: I am glad everyone is sitting down because I have to do something I am not used to doing too often. That is actually delivering some good news. Today we received a donation from one of our resident’s who is retired and who wants to remain anonymous. But, he donated $1,800 to the City in thanks for the services we provide. I was taken aback by this and will keep his identity anonymous as he wished. I have nothing additional to report and am open for questions.


There were no questions of Mr. Slocum.


LAW DIRECTOR – Randy Klammer

Mr. Klammer: I have nothing to report and I am open for questions.


There were no questions of Mr. Klammer.



Mr. D’Ambrosio asked for a Motion to adjourn into Executive Session for discussion of matters involving labor.


MOTION:   Ms. Vaughn moved to adjourn into Executive Session for discussion of matters of personnel in compliance with Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22, “Open Meeting Law” for discussion of matters involving labor.  Ms. DePledge seconded.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas unanimous.


The meeting was adjourned into Executive Session for discussion of matters involving labot.




Ms. Vaughn moved to adjourn back into the Regular Council Meeting portion. Mr. Licht seconded. The meeting was called back to the Special Council Meeting with Ms. Vaughn, Mr. Licht, Mrs. Quinn-Hopkins, Mr. Evers, Ms. DePledge, Mr. Hoefle and Council President Mr. D’Ambrosio in attendance.



                     Mr. Licht moved to adopt the revision to the Police Union contract, specifically Appendix A.

                     Ms. Vaughn seconded.


                     ROLL CALL: Yeas unanimous.


                     Motion carried. The revision to the Police Union contract, specifically Appendix A is       adopted.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:14 p.m.



           ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                ______________________________________

                                                            JOE D’AMBROSIO, COUNCIL PRESIDENT



APPROVED: __________________________


ATTEST: _____________________________                

                        DEBORAH A. CENDROSKI,      

                           CLERK OF COUNCIL

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